Fire Carol Tome, UPS CEO!


Pineapple King
How can a delivery company not have enough delivery vehicles?
Because it's run by a hardware store CEO? I remember one year they promoted some woman from the Real Estate part of UPS(didn't know there was one)to Center manager of my center, she ran it into the ground at peak, packages sat on pallets for days missed. Slowly caught back up(sups delivering on both days of the weekend way before Saturday delivery)so after that what do you think they did? Promoted her to Division Manager. Started running the whole division into the ground before that was it.


Well-Known Member
She was eventually fired along the lines of theft of intellectual
property, or something along those lines….SS where her initials.
If you're this upset, then
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Been In Brown Too Long

Ex-Package Donkey
How do you "tighten up management" when the very behavior you describe comes directly from the CEO and VPs?

Fire all the FT sups and managers you want, you don't change a thing because this culture comes from WALL STREET, not your dumb on car supervisor or whatever

We are ALL just cogs in a wheel man
My comment about tightening up management meant for the CEO and VPs to be on top of the management directly below themselves in regards to the stupid stuff they do to make certain numbers look good. I, like you, am blaming the CEO and VPs for their blindness to the situation. Say what you want, but it is the dumb sup that is sending home a preloader that makes $15/hr and is loading 3 package cars to have three separate drivers finish loading those trucks at OT rate of $67/hr simply to make the preload number look better. I guarantee you that decision isn't coming from the CEO or a VP and most certainly not Wall Street itself. I'm sure the VPs are saying, improve your preload numbers, but I doubt they say to do it by paying drivers OT to fix preload numbers. When I brought it up decades back how stupid this practice is, I was told by an on road that it was easier to cover it up and say a driver was over allowed vs. not fixing the preload numbers and getting reamed by the District Manager. Tightening up for me meant to take off the blinders and be on top of stupid stuff like this. If Wall Street was witnessing firsthand things like this that happen all the time, and this is just one example, they'd lose their minds.


Well-Known Member
Carol Tome needs to be fired along with her mgmt team. UPS price keeps on tumbling lower and lower. Since Tome took over the share price is down approximately $70 per share! This is not leadership. She is killing employees retirement future’s that have bought shares in the company’s stock purchase program. She has eliminated onsite Human Resources at most work sites making it very difficult to rectify employee issues with their pay or insurance. Is she going to ruin UPS like she did as CEO of Home Depot? The word on the street after she left for UPS was Home Depot employees jumped for joy! Employee morale during her tenure at Home Depot was at an all time low. Look at how well HomeDepot’s share price has done since her departure. She has hurt UPS investors and their employees. Look how many billions of dollars she caused UPS to lose when UPS purchased that empty trailer scheduling company during covid. She then turned around and sold the company after covid ended for a milti-billion dollar loss! Why is she still employed at UPS?
You are incorrect in your statements about Tome's time at HD. HD stock went from $11.08 to $186.09 during her time at HD. From 2001 (when she became CFO) to 2019 (retired) it went from $117.67 to $186.09. During her time at the company, HD grew from 400 stores to 2,200 with revenue of nearly $100 billion. Its share price over her tenure increased more than 450%. Can't find anything online that discusses bad employee morale or even a bad article about her time at HD. "Word on the street" is as valuable as "anonymous sources".

She obviously hasn't had that impact on UPS stock price. All the big gains of UPS stock in the past were all due to a COVID bump.

UPS purchased Coyote Logisitics in 2015, well before COVID. It is true, however, that it was sold under Carol's rule for less then UPS paid for it. It was not a "multi-billion dollar loss" based on what the reported purchase/sold price was. Also, if Coyote wasn't making enough money for UPS, why shouldn't they have sold them? What value were they bringing to UPS?