Bernie Sanders 2016


Well-Known Member
"...The United States, with our capitalist economic system, already has aspects of communism and socialism. We operate government-run prisons. We provide health care for soldiers and the elderly. We require drivers to have car insurance. We pay taxes to support national infrastructure. We have copyright and patent laws that limit what we can produce. We have labor laws that limit how we can produce.

The laws that we have now allow our market to work. They allow entrepreneurs to open new businesses, to expand and create jobs. They protect your great idea from getting stolen by me. They protect my land from getting taken by you. They create the opportunity for competition and creativity that would not happen if we relied solely on the concept of supply and demand.

We don’t have a free-market economy because we need government intervention to make any concept of a free market possible. The system that exists now, as flawed as it is, is a blend of the better parts of a myriad of systems. Whether the balance is the one we need (whether we need more capitalism or more socialism or more regulation or more monopolies) will always be up for debate. But it is only when we can understand the accurate definitions of such complicated systems that such a debate can even begin."



golden ticket member


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Fine, but what I said was that I'd choose Sanders over Trump.

I'd also choose Rubio over Trump.

Looks like my options are narrowing.
Do you seriously believe what trump says?

He's just saying what he thinks he needs to say to win. Like any other politician.

He's not gonna go completely crazy if he wins the presidency


Well-Known Member
Do you seriously believe what trump says?

He's just saying what he thinks he needs to say to win. Like any other politician.

He's not gonna go completely crazy if he wins the presidency

Umm, both my examples involved choosing other people over Trump.

What are you asking me?


Inordinately Right
Do you seriously believe what trump says?

He's just saying what he thinks he needs to say to win. Like any other politician.

He's not gonna go completely crazy if he wins the presidency
The idea that Trump won't actually do anything he claims he will, is probably the most convincing argument for his candidacy I've heard. Sad state of affairs for the Republican party.