Bernie Sanders 2016

decent paying jobs might help grown ups move out of their parents house. the median wage is $16/hr in america now. its no secret the middle class is dying. i know 50% of all adults in their 20s live with their parents.

theres also record corporate profits for a few decades now. private profits, social cost.

and actually, i think the fact you government has cut funding to education is a prime example of how often citizens get screwed over when the govt doesnt step up. your lightly regulated private healthcare system is another joke. your paid vacation is another joke.

im not saying it should all be government, or all be private run, its on a case by case basis.
You can't depend on anyone but yourself.
Teach them the correct values while they are growing up and don't hand them everything.

Take a little responsibility for yourself.


Well-Known Member
I'm talking about here,not elsewhere.
In terms of education, individuals are taking too much responsibility, and government is not taking enough.

and actually thats true for america in general. too much responsibility is on the individual, and not enough on the community. you have an I-Consciousness not a We-Consciousness like other developed countries, and its not working for you.


Well-Known Member
The educational system has become a daycare. Parents that don't give a flying....
Dump their kids off and expect the schools to fix them.
well maybe if your country wasnt one of the most overworked developed countries, the parents could have the time for the other things that matter in life. on top of that you have the collapse of the traditional family structure. and isnt daycare privatized and really expensive in america? in france for example its very affordable and again run by the government.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
well maybe if your country wasnt one of the most overworked developed countries, the parents could have the time for the other things that matter in life. on top of that you have the collapse of the traditional family structure. and isnt daycare privatized and really expensive in america? in france for example its very affordable and again run by the government.
I work 46 to 52 hours a week and still found time to coach some of my kids sports teams.

Your argument is bogus.
well maybe if your country wasnt one of the most overworked developed countries, the parents could have the time for the other things that matter in life. on top of that you have the collapse of the traditional family structure. and isnt daycare privatized and really expensive in america? in france for example its very affordable and again run by the government.
Bottom line
All good things start at home. Can't depend on someone else to do your job!
If you want it done right, do it yourself.

Lead by example. Don't blame the system because you are too lazy to teach your children values and responsibility.


Well-Known Member
Bottom line
All good things start at home. Can't depend on someone else to do your job!
If you want it done right, do it yourself.

Lead by example. Don't blame the system because you are too lazy to teach your children values and responsibility.
so if the system is slavery or feudalism should we blame it LOL?


Well-Known Member
privatize the jails, the police, the military, and let me know how that works for you ;).

and again, the debate about socialism is NOT between government vs private property although confused people such as yourself like to believe that.

it certainly is and there is no confusion. Socialism is based on taking from those that have earned too much and giving it to those who have earned too little.