Best way to fix up a newly bidded route that runners destroyed?


Blind every day
Run ground with airs until a certain time and then straight airs.
This is one of the ways that runners blow up a route . Run STRAIGHT AIR every single day. No matter how tempting or easily you can get ground off with it.

Not only are you protecting yourself in case something goes wrong and you have late pieces, but you’re adding at least an hour to your planned day.


Well-Known Member
This is one of the ways that runners blow up a route . Run STRAIGHT AIR every single day. No matter how tempting or easily you can get ground off with it.

Not only are you protecting yourself in case something goes wrong and you have late pieces, but you’re adding at least an hour to your planned day.
Not ground separate stops, I’m talking ground packages with airs for the same place. Agree, never run any solo ground packages during air. And only do this if you’ve located all NDA before leaving building. If you know you might have to do some digging then straight air.


Well-Known Member
Full time driver got hurt during peak and was out a few months, they put a runner on it and I told him not to blow the route up because your going to mess the other guy up when you come back, needless sat full time driver came back and bid on new routes, runner tore it up
Odd he could just bid a different route when he returned. Must be different where you're at.


Big Kahuna Burger
Nope. I’ll go back and make a second delivery for ground. And sometimes go there a third time for the pickup.
Yup tomorrow I will have a bunch of missed business. I’m taking an hour lunch driving to all my pickups. And probably have a bunch of missed resi because I won’t be finishing.


I'm a star
Yup tomorrow I will have a bunch of missed business. I’m taking an hour lunch driving to all my pickups. And probably have a bunch of missed resi because I won’t be finishing.

Follow ORION if you aren't already.

My experience with my messed up route is that they will finally "fix" it for about two weeks. Then they have a stroke and suddenly send me out with more than I can finish in a 14 hour day for a little while.

I'm in the same boat, can't fit all my pick up volume if I have 100 stops left when I start my pick ups. Sometimes I can't fit it all even if I'm done with deliveries.

I message in after my second pick up, "I'm full, do you want me to drive back and unload, do you want to send someone to take my pick up volume" "Someone needs to cover the rest of my pick ups".

Then, after the 9.5 grievances pour in, they drop my stop count to a ten hour day and start with the observations, telling me they are giving me a 7 hour dispatch. But a 7 hour dispatch plus 1.5 "overallowed" doesn't equal the ten hours I'm working. Then they show me the report that shows that I'm 45 minutes over before after my first stop, when I've only been on the clock for 15 minutes, and all buy 5 stops show bonus, and the ones that aren't only add up to twenty minutes over alllowed, due to no close safe park positions. Added all up I should be bonusing, but they still say I'm 1.5 over, with ten hours on a 7 hour dispatch. When I ask them how that works, my supervisor says he'll look into it. Two weeks later I have a new supervisor, who tells me he will definitely fix my route....

6 years in, I still can't figure out how to get them to stop over dispatching. Good luck.

Fuzzy Brown

Well-Known Member
Staying out until 9 everyday any tips? I’m in the works of getting one pickup removed since I’m getting there 3 hours after their pickup time only because I cannot contain until all deliveries are made.
Get on the 9.5 list if you aren’t already and file for every violation.
Take your entire lunch and break when the contract states.
No shortcuts, everything by the book, It may take a month or two but they will eventually get the message their huckleberry isn’t running that route any longer and will adjust it accordingly.
Get your steward involved and let them know what’s going on.


All Trash No Trailer
It will become a battle of wills,so get ready for it. Management will test you to see if you are willing to work 12-13 hours nearly every day .They are betting you will get sick of the hours and run,cut corners etc to "bring it in" .
You HAVE to stay committed to working as long as it takes to fix the route.

You will be belittled,threatend, followed, OJS'ed etc so dig your heels in,work safely and by the methods. Follow ORION 100 % and take lunch every day between 12-1. Also be prepared to have your Loop Partners hate you as management will tell them they are having to take your work due to you being a sorry lazy POS


Big Kahuna Burger
It will become a battle of wills,so get ready for it. Management will test you to see if you are willing to work 12-13 hours nearly every day .They are betting you will get sick of the hours and run,cut corners etc to "bring it in" .
You HAVE to stay committed to working as long as it takes to fix the route.

You will be belittled,threatend, followed, OJS'ed etc so dig your heels in,work safely and by the methods. Follow ORION 100 % and take lunch every day between 12-1. Also be prepared to have your Loop Partners hate you as management will tell them they are having to take your work due to you being a sorry lazy POS
I think I’m going to have to change my name now


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
It will become a battle of wills,so get ready for it. Management will test you to see if you are willing to work 12-13 hours nearly every day .They are betting you will get sick of the hours and run,cut corners etc to "bring it in" .
You HAVE to stay committed to working as long as it takes to fix the route.

You will be belittled,threatend, followed, OJS'ed etc so dig your heels in,work safely and by the methods. Follow ORION 100 % and take lunch every day between 12-1. Also be prepared to have your Loop Partners hate you as management will tell them they are having to take your work due to you being a sorry lazy POS
Who doesn't love the 12 hour OJS?

Keep asking the sup if they are getting overtime, then remind them how they are getting screwed!


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Follow ORION if you aren't already.

My experience with my messed up route is that they will finally "fix" it for about two weeks. Then they have a stroke and suddenly send me out with more than I can finish in a 14 hour day for a little while.

I'm in the same boat, can't fit all my pick up volume if I have 100 stops left when I start my pick ups. Sometimes I can't fit it all even if I'm done with deliveries.

I message in after my second pick up, "I'm full, do you want me to drive back and unload, do you want to send someone to take my pick up volume" "Someone needs to cover the rest of my pick ups".

Then, after the 9.5 grievances pour in, they drop my stop count to a ten hour day and start with the observations, telling me they are giving me a 7 hour dispatch. But a 7 hour dispatch plus 1.5 "overallowed" doesn't equal the ten hours I'm working. Then they show me the report that shows that I'm 45 minutes over before after my first stop, when I've only been on the clock for 15 minutes, and all buy 5 stops show bonus, and the ones that aren't only add up to twenty minutes over alllowed, due to no close safe park positions. Added all up I should be bonusing, but they still say I'm 1.5 over, with ten hours on a 7 hour dispatch. When I ask them how that works, my supervisor says he'll look into it. Two weeks later I have a new supervisor, who tells me he will definitely fix my route....

6 years in, I still can't figure out how to get them to stop over dispatching. Good luck.
Sounds like how my :censored2: show of a center was…


Big Kahuna Burger
I was the last one clocking out all week. Even with getting help. Hopefully something changes soon. I’ve gotten one pickup off successfully. Thanks everybody. Ive been getting help every day with low seniority drivers complaining they have to come help.


Well-Known Member
Ive been getting help every day with low seniority drivers complaining they have to come help.

Lol, don't worry about that. One thing I've learned: low seniority hates to help, high seniority might just ask if you want to trade trucks and take their empty back to the building.

Let them complain. Helping another driver at the end of your route is typically the easiest money you'll make that day.


Big Kahuna Burger
Lol, don't worry about that. One thing I've learned: low seniority hates to help, high seniority might just ask if you want to trade trucks and take their empty back to the building.

Let them complain. Helping another driver at the end of your route is typically the easiest money you'll make that day.
They asked me what route I was on and how many I went out with today.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Staying out until 9 everyday any tips? I’m in the works of getting one pickup removed since I’m getting there 3 hours after their pickup time only because I cannot contain until all deliveries are made.
Allot of people are saying you should run straight air before ground. That is good broad brush stroke advice but may not be what’s needed for your route. I’d run ORION as close to 100% as possible first. ONLY break to make commit times (air, commercial stops before POSTED closure hours, and pickups, to include pickup windows) and then get back on trace.

Don’t ever look at your stop count, miles, overallowed, etc. Or the dispatch computer. None of that is important so you shouldn’t care. If management sees you looking at it they will assume you do. That prompts them to test how far they can push you cause they’ll think you will cut corners to bring those numbers up to their standards. I haven’t paid attention to numbers in years.

If your supplement has language allowing you to file for single days over 9.5s then do so. Don’t wait for the third. There’s no penalty but it creates a paper trail and shows that you’re not cool with being over-dispatched at all.