Follow ORION if you aren't already.
My experience with my messed up route is that they will finally "fix" it for about two weeks. Then they have a stroke and suddenly send me out with more than I can finish in a 14 hour day for a little while.
I'm in the same boat, can't fit all my pick up volume if I have 100 stops left when I start my pick ups. Sometimes I can't fit it all even if I'm done with deliveries.
I message in after my second pick up, "I'm full, do you want me to drive back and unload, do you want to send someone to take my pick up volume" "Someone needs to cover the rest of my pick ups".
Then, after the 9.5 grievances pour in, they drop my stop count to a ten hour day and start with the observations, telling me they are giving me a 7 hour dispatch. But a 7 hour dispatch plus 1.5 "overallowed" doesn't equal the ten hours I'm working. Then they show me the report that shows that I'm 45 minutes over before after my first stop, when I've only been on the clock for 15 minutes, and all buy 5 stops show bonus, and the ones that aren't only add up to twenty minutes over alllowed, due to no close safe park positions. Added all up I should be bonusing, but they still say I'm 1.5 over, with ten hours on a 7 hour dispatch. When I ask them how that works, my supervisor says he'll look into it. Two weeks later I have a new supervisor, who tells me he will definitely fix my route....
6 years in, I still can't figure out how to get them to stop over dispatching. Good luck.