Allot of people are saying you should run straight air before ground. That is good broad brush stroke advice but may not be what’s needed for your route. I’d run ORION as close to 100% as possible first. ONLY break to make commit times (air, commercial stops before POSTED closure hours, and pickups, to include pickup windows) and then get back on trace.
Don’t ever look at your stop count, miles, overallowed, etc. Or the dispatch computer. None of that is important so you shouldn’t care. If management sees you looking at it they will assume you do. That prompts them to test how far they can push you cause they’ll think you will cut corners to bring those numbers up to their standards. I haven’t paid attention to numbers in years.
If your supplement has language allowing you to file for single days over 9.5s then do so. Don’t wait for the third. There’s no penalty but it creates a paper trail and shows that you’re not cool with being over-dispatched at all.