Bible-Thumping Zealots On The BC


Dis-organized Labor

I have a strong opinion on God because so many Christians are hypocrites, and so completely intolerant of other religious or spiritual viewpoints. I know one evangelical minister who claims that he can "levitate" when he really gets into God...literally. Isn't that kind of strange? Or how about the "prosperity Christians" who say God wants them to have a BMW and a 15,000sf home instead of helping starving people in the Third World. We have one local minister who had God "tell" him to buy a helicopter to fly between his mega-churches, where he also preaches the gospel of prosperity. Wasn't Jesus an extremely poor carpenter who didn't have much use for riches?

Like I said, Christ is fine, it's what his "believers" do with his words that is disturbing.

My dog is really religious too, but he's Jewish, so according to his buddies, he isn't "saved" and his doggy soul won't go to pet heaven. Go figure.

Talk him into converting:wink2:


Staff member
I have a strong opinion on God because so many Christians are hypocrites, and so completely intolerant of other religious or spiritual viewpoints. I know one evangelical minister who claims that he can "levitate" when he really gets into God...literally. Isn't that kind of strange? Or how about the "prosperity Christians" who say God wants them to have a BMW and a 15,000sf home instead of helping starving people in the Third World. We have one local minister who had God "tell" him to buy a helicopter to fly between his mega-churches, where he also preaches the gospel of prosperity. Wasn't Jesus an extremely poor carpenter who didn't have much use for riches?

Like I said, Christ is fine, it's what his "believers" do with his words that is disturbing.

My dog is really religious too, but he's Jewish, so according to his buddies, he isn't "saved" and his doggy soul won't go to pet heaven. Go figure.

My favorite one is Dr Creflo Dollar

Dollar is known for his controversial teachings of Prosperity theology.[7] He has been criticized for his lavish lifestyle as he owns two Rolls-Royces, a private jet, a million dollar home in Atlanta, and a 2.5 million dollar home in Manhattan.[8] Dollar has refused to disclose his salary and Creflo Dollar Ministries received a grade of "friend" for financial transparency by the MinistryWatch organization.[9][10]


Well-Known Member
So exactly what is the RIGHT religion Fed Ex.... ? No matter whether you attach yourself to a religion or not, you have faith in something. You get your attachment to right and wrong from something. A lot of what you say is true. There are bad Christians out there. But you make it sound as if that is what most Christians are. There is never a perfect Christian and any sin one commits makes them a hypocrite I guess. That is what I call being human in an imperfect world. Simply running from it doesnt keep you away from doing wrong. I know you admit to not being perfect yourself but all that does is protect you from calling your own self a hypocrite when you screw up. So when those people annoy you, tell them politely to leave it at your door; or simply ignore them. On the tv,,,, turn that channel.


Well-Known Member
First, I didn't hijack the thread. As I've explained, I simply responded to a response from another poster (bbsam). And since this thread is about God and Jesus, wouldn't it be logical that those names would come-up frequently?

Second, it's "OK" when one of the God Squad take the thread in the holy direction, and not OK when someone else does it?

So you just admitted to making a thread about God and Jesus but it's not ok for other people to talk about God and Jesus!

Who's the hypocrite?


Engorged Member
So you just admitted to making a thread about God and Jesus but it's not ok for other people to talk about God and Jesus!

Who's the hypocrite?

Sigh. I created this thread (pun intended) precisely because people are talking about God and Jesus and inserting them into secular topics where they probably don't belong. You are doing an excellent job of making my point, which is, "why is it OK when the religious types make commentary on a thread that shows their Christian bias, and it's NOT OK for someone with a different take (bias) to insert their commentary"?

Too many Christians think that they're the only ones with the "answer", and they aren't afraid to shove it in your face. Why not respect those who might have a different view instead of having a fit and circling the wagon of faith? If you're secure in your faith, why should you care what I think?

Believe whatever you want, but isn't religion sometimes best left out of discussions about work, unions, etc? The founding fathers of this country had it right when they insisted on the separation of church and state. You may have the desire to live in a theocracy, but I do not.

Lots of people poke fun at Muslims, Jews and other religions in jokes and slurs, but Christians go nuts when anyone has fun at their expense. One need only watch Benny Hinn, Kenneth Copeland, or a slew of others to get a good laugh. Aren't these clowns just as ridiculous in their own way as the fanatical mullahs and ayatollahs in the Middle East?

Please explain my hypocrisy.


Big Time Feeder Driver
Lots of people poke fun at Muslims, Jews and other religions in jokes and slurs, but Christians go nuts when anyone has fun at their expense. One need only watch Benny Hinn, Kenneth Copeland, or a slew of others to get a good laugh. Aren't these clowns just as ridiculous in their own way as the fanatical mullahs and ayatollahs in the Middle East?

I don't know what country you live in but in the U.S there is a war going on in popular culture against Christianity. Music, T.V., movies...everywhere you look is a anti-Christian bias.

I find it funny how other religions are not mocked as much. For example, everyone is scared to really go after the Islamic faith. Don't believe me, when is the last time you saw in the media anyone taking pot shots at Muhammad? At least in the way it is done against Christ? You know why? Because Muslims don't tolerate that crap.

Christianity is undersige exactly because it so tolerant.

I like you MrFedEx, but as for people interjecting their faith into topics, that has to be expected. If you are a true believer, faith is not something you compartmentalize. It influences your whole being. It will have bearing on all that you have an opinion about.

Now, as for the "prosperity" ministers, these people are clown shoes. But you know what, as Ron Bennington would say (he is the host of a radio show) "the world is filled with carnies and rubes". Those ministers are some of the best carnies going. If people want to be rubes, thats their own fault. They are falling victim to their own greed.


I have a strong opinion on God because so many Christians are hypocrites, and so completely intolerant of other religious or spiritual viewpoints. I know one evangelical minister who claims that he can "levitate" when he really gets into God...literally. Isn't that kind of strange? Or how about the "prosperity Christians" who say God wants them to have a BMW and a 15,000sf home instead of helping starving people in the Third World. We have one local minister who had God "tell" him to buy a helicopter to fly between his mega-churches, where he also preaches the gospel of prosperity. Wasn't Jesus an extremely poor carpenter who didn't have much use for riches?

Like I said, Christ is fine, it's what his "believers" do with his words that is disturbing.

My dog is really religious too, but he's Jewish, so according to his buddies, he isn't "saved" and his doggy soul won't go to pet heaven. Go figure.
I was hesitant to chime in on this thread because I felt I would only exacerbate your feelings, Mr FedEx. I just wanted to say that you're right about Christianity. They have their fair share of hypocrites. But if you look around you, I'm sure you'd see hypocrites where ever you go. UPS has hypocrites. The ones that complain that they didn't make enough money, but are the same ones sorting the load and working off the clock.

I could give you a lot more examples, but this post would be huge. I think that since you've got a bent against Christians for their so called hypocrisy, you just notice them a lot more. Sorta like when shopping for a new car and you start noticing that particular brand of car a lot more. I think/feel that Christianity doesn't make you any less human, or any less prone to human frailty. I'm not speaking about the rich guy/gal Christians or what they are doing, who am I to judge. I will have you know that not all rich Christians are "that way".

If you notice, I'm not defending God or becoming defensive, because you said this or that about Christians/God. You have your feelings for a reason and there is obviously nothing "I" can do to dissuade you from the way you believe, and honestly, that's not my job. My job, as a Christian would simply be to present you with a message, and whether you accepted that message is up to you. After all, that's what "Christians" are supposed to do, it's in the "handbook".:wink2:

As for your "Jewish" dog? I don't think it really cares one way of the other about your religion of choice. I think that as long as you come home and give it some love, it'll love you all the same. Here's hoping you have a happy holiday season, you and the Mrs and family.:happy2:

.......Sincerely.....................Co-Founder of the God Squad:surprised::wink2:


Engorged Member
The Jewish dog was in reference to a post by DisOrganizedLabor...he got the joke. Thanks for having a respectful debate over this topic,


Engorged Member
Why should anyone have to explain to you what you have already proven?

Are the green letters a part of your "Martian" persona? Instead of tossing insults, why don't you apply some our your genius intellect and give us your input? Bill Bixby and Ray Walston would both say it's OK.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
If I have ever offended anyone by saying God bless or Ill keep you in my thoughts and prayers it is because it was instilled in me yrs and yrs ago. And it means I care and although I dont go to church often, I find some solace in believing in a higher power. And it is meant as a kind of "im there for you buddy" when you cannot be there for your buddy. I personally dont know anyone who would be offended for having a friend care, and being there for them if they can. Personally I never saw anyone go overboard on bible thumping, but hey we could start a thread...............:peaceful:


golden ticket member
Tooner, that's how I feel too. I went to church every Sunday growing up and also in raising my kids 'til the last one was 18 yrs. old.

I definitely believe in a higher power and praying........The buildings and the priests lost their luster for me.

I live my life mostly by the Golden Rule.....or try to.


Staff member
You have to be a real grump to get offended at someone saying "god bless". Like I said I run into a lot of evangelicals, and there are definitely some who go waay overboard (imho) with thanking the lord for everything little thing that goes right from the moment they get up til the time they go to sleep ("They had milk at the store today! See how the good lord smiles upon us!"), but even that doesn't bother me unless I'm feeling irritable already. Mostly I think it's kinda cute :happy2:.
What really does bother me is those clowns who say "happy holidays" instead of "merry christmas"! Boy, I tell you...


Well-Known Member
First off, if I was one of the thumpers that offended you; sorry.
Secondly, I have a problem with your deductive reasoning.
According to you, a few Christians cramming their religion down your throat makes you sour at the whole lot.
Just as bad as saying, "I don't care for Fed Ex", therefore all their employees must be idiots.
What's the difference?
You're at least semi proud of your employment, why can't Christians be proud and endorse their Savior?


Engorged Member
First off, if I was one of the thumpers that offended you; sorry.
Secondly, I have a problem with your deductive reasoning.
According to you, a few Christians cramming their religion down your throat makes you sour at the whole lot.
Just as bad as saying, "I don't care for Fed Ex", therefore all their employees must be idiots.
What's the difference?
You're at least semi proud of your employment, why can't Christians be proud and endorse their Savior?

Nope...most Christians are OK by me. In fact, I'm married to one and I think Christ is great...just show me some proof please. It's the hypocrites,hardline evangelists, and con artists(Tilton, Hinn, Swaggart etc) that bug me. My kids are being raised to have an open mind. They go to Christian churches, but I've also taken them to Buddhist temples, Jewish synagogues and encouraged them to seek their own path instead of having someone do it for them.

Be proud and endorse your Savior. Just don't toss him in where He doesn't belong. Over-endorsing Him destroys His credibility and irritates those who like to have conversations without having God involved in most of them.

Using your above example, it would be like me trying to insert FedEx into every discussion I have or you doing the same with UPS.

For example, we have a Muslim guy at work who actively promotes the religion at every opportunity and a Mormon fellow who does the same thing. Both are avoided like the plague. I don't care what they believe in....I just don't want to hear about it or be recruited.

You seem much more reasonable and sane...sorry if I offended you and I absolutely do not want to tar and feather all Christians because a few go overboard. Christ had great's some of His followers who make Him look bad, and that's a shame. By the way, I'm ready to sign-on as soon as I see some proof. There are too many bad things that happen in this world that a loving and caring God could stop immediately. Why doesn't He step in? The usual reasons given do not impress me.


Well-Known Member
Sigh. I created this thread (pun intended) precisely because people are talking about God and Jesus and inserting them into secular topics where they probably don't belong. You are doing an excellent job of making my point, which is, "why is it OK when the religious types make commentary on a thread that shows their Christian bias, and it's NOT OK for someone with a different take (bias) to insert their commentary"?

Too many Christians think that they're the only ones with the "answer", and they aren't afraid to shove it in your face. Why not respect those who might have a different view instead of having a fit and circling the wagon of faith? If you're secure in your faith, why should you care what I think?

Believe whatever you want, but isn't religion sometimes best left out of discussions about work, unions, etc? The founding fathers of this country had it right when they insisted on the separation of church and state. You may have the desire to live in a theocracy, but I do not.

Lots of people poke fun at Muslims, Jews and other religions in jokes and slurs, but Christians go nuts when anyone has fun at their expense. One need only watch Benny Hinn, Kenneth Copeland, or a slew of others to get a good laugh. Aren't these clowns just as ridiculous in their own way as the fanatical mullahs and ayatollahs in the Middle East?

Please explain my hypocrisy.[/QUOTE]

The following definition is from "":

1.a person who pretends to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles, etc., that he or she does not actually possess, esp. a person whose actions belie stated beliefs.2.a person who feigns some desirable or publicly approved attitude, esp. one whose private life, opinions, or statements belie his or her public statements.

You stated you don't like people injecting God into discussions, yet by your actions you created a thread that by your own admission was about God and Jesus. I actually believe your actions were more ironic than hypocritical, but hey, you brought up the term so I went with it.

As far as your comment about "keeping religion out of discussions about work, union, etc.", I would have to agree that it is probably best. But the thread in question was not about work or the union, it was about child molestation. Child molestation is a very dark and disturbing subject. Some people that have been affected by it choose God and prayer to help them through it. Some posters mentioned God in a thread about child molestation. Nobody picked up on the theme and ran with it. No "Bible-thumper" tried to turn it into a discussion about God.

But through your discussions with another poster, the thread was taking off on a political tangent. Do you see the difference? That is the point I was making.


Well-Known Member
Nope...most Christians are OK by me. In fact, I'm married to one and I think Christ is great...just show me some proof please. It's the hypocrites,hardline evangelists, and con artists(Tilton, Hinn, Swaggart etc) that bug me. My kids are being raised to have an open mind. They go to Christian churches, but I've also taken them to Buddhist temples, Jewish synagogues and encouraged them to seek their own path instead of having someone do it for them.

Be proud and endorse your Savior. Just don't toss him in where He doesn't belong. Over-endorsing Him destroys His credibility and irritates those who like to have conversations without having God involved in most of them.

Using your above example, it would be like me trying to insert FedEx into every discussion I have or you doing the same with UPS.

For example, we have a Muslim guy at work who actively promotes the religion at every opportunity and a Mormon fellow who does the same thing. Both are avoided like the plague. I don't care what they believe in....I just don't want to hear about it or be recruited.

You seem much more reasonable and sane...sorry if I offended you and I absolutely do not want to tar and feather all Christians because a few go overboard. Christ had great's some of His followers who make Him look bad, and that's a shame. By the way, I'm ready to sign-on as soon as I see some proof. There are too many bad things that happen in this world that a loving and caring God could stop immediately. Why doesn't He step in? The usual reasons given do not impress me.

What kind of proof are you looking for? What can I tell you that will convince you? There are very few "fingerprints", or "smoking guns" in Christianity that will give you your proof. We call it faith and we get it from what we read in the Bible. Sorry, that's all I can offer you right now.
How about the Shroud of Turin, or the Noah's ark found on Mount Ararat? Is that the kind of thing you are talking about?



Senior Member
Did you pull that out of your thesaurus or from somewhere else?
Maybe, you should "pull out" a dictionary and look up the meaning of a thesaurus, before you use it in a sentence responding to my post.
I used no synonyms, but in a strange way, you and I are antonyms.
No need for me to pull out something that you squatted and dropped.
All I had to do was not step in it while I passed, yet your smell still lingers in the air.