Sigh. I created this thread (pun intended) precisely because people are talking about God and Jesus and inserting them into secular topics where they probably don't belong. You are doing an excellent job of making my point, which is, "why is it OK when the religious types make commentary on a thread that shows their Christian bias, and it's NOT OK for someone with a different take (bias) to insert their commentary"?
Too many Christians think that they're the only ones with the "answer", and they aren't afraid to shove it in your face. Why not respect those who might have a different view instead of having a fit and circling the wagon of faith? If you're secure in your faith, why should you care what I think?
Believe whatever you want, but isn't religion sometimes best left out of discussions about work, unions, etc? The founding fathers of this country had it right when they insisted on the separation of church and state. You may have the desire to live in a theocracy, but I do not.
Lots of people poke fun at Muslims, Jews and other religions in jokes and slurs, but Christians go nuts when anyone has fun at their expense. One need only watch Benny Hinn, Kenneth Copeland, or a slew of others to get a good laugh. Aren't these clowns just as ridiculous in their own way as the fanatical mullahs and ayatollahs in the Middle East?
Please explain my hypocrisy.[/QUOTE]
The following definition is from "":
1.a person who pretends to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles, etc., that he or she does not actually possess, esp. a person whose actions belie stated beliefs.2.a person who feigns some desirable or publicly approved attitude, esp. one whose private life, opinions, or statements belie his or her public statements.
You stated you don't like people injecting God into discussions, yet by your actions you created a thread that by your own admission was about God and Jesus. I actually believe your actions were more ironic than hypocritical, but hey, you brought up the term so I went with it.
As far as your comment about "keeping religion out of discussions about work, union, etc.", I would have to agree that it is probably best. But the thread in question was not about work or the union, it was about child molestation. Child molestation is a very dark and disturbing subject. Some people that have been affected by it choose God and prayer to help them through it. Some posters mentioned God in a thread about child molestation. Nobody picked up on the theme and ran with it. No "Bible-thumper" tried to turn it into a discussion about God.
But through your discussions with another poster, the thread was taking off on a political tangent. Do you see the difference? That is the point I was making.