Biden - Tology


bella amicizia
I had to look that oneup.........and no.
I look at her show everyday and take recipes as I see ones I like. I just print them out. this is going to be my investment in me!!

the cancer cells will hate me......but thats' OK
I just pin food stuff, and LL bean, and I get a lot of ladies pinning food stuff on my page. I'm not sure how it works, but I love the recipes.

Imus beat his prostate cancer by eating a habenero pepper every day. No meat, at all. Everything organic. His wife uses only green cleaning products, too.

Her page is here-

I wish you well.


But your facts posted, let's take Reagan for example:

Reagan grew revenue over previous revenue yet he grew spending over previous spending by an even greater amount than the new revenue could support. If you contention were true, then why did Federal debt borrowing explode under Reagan and has yet to abate?

You can use accounting gymnastics all you want but I'm looking at the hard data that revs. went up, spending even greater, deficits occurred and to make up all the difference, the federal gov't had to borrow the money in ever greater amounts to have the funds on hand to pay for it all.

Those are the hard facts at the end of the day hit all of us in the face and no accounting gymnastics will explain that away!

I already explained how percentages read it and didnt understand it...sorry

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
HEY BUT FOX NEWS and Rush Limbaugh along with confirmation by Art Laffer told him REAGAN was a genious....

Total Federal Receipts $599 billion
Total Federal Outlays $678 billion

Total Federal Receipts $618 billion
Total Federal Outlays $746 billion

Total Federal Receipts $601 billion
Total Federal Outlays $808 billion

Total Federal Receipts $666 billion
Total Federal Outlays $852 billion

Total Federal Receipts $734 billion
Total Federal Outlays $946 billion

Total Federal Receipts $769 billion
Total Federal Outlays $990 billion

Total Federal Receipts $854 billion
Total Federal Outlays $1.0 trillion

Total Federal Receipts $909 billion
Total Federal Outlays $1.06 trillion

But ROMNEYS duplication of this ideology is going to save america!



The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Is the cold war factored in to that?

Typical republican response, an excuse for every failure of GOP policies. Reagan was a boob as a president, his policies hurt middle class americans and they are hurting us today.

He doubled the size of the postal service, he deregulated the oil industry and we are paying for that today. In his 8 years and HW BUSH 4 years, they both closed almost 50% of our oil refining industry in order to raise the stock price on a barrel of oil after he lifted the caps on big oil.

Yeah, he was a great american. He screwed all of us, but guys like you worship him. Seems you view Reagan through Ray Charles eyes.




golden ticket member
I think TOS has it all backwards......we form our, caharrell, buddy, baba, Lifer and others it just so happens that FoX agrees with us. We end up having an opinion and FOX mimics us !!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I think TOS has it all backwards......we form our, caharrell, buddy, baba, Lifer and others it just so happens that FoX agrees with us. We end up having an opinion and FOX mimics us !!

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH OMG.... seriously,........ oh wait, you are.

Its just a coincedence that your opinion and fox's opinions just happen to be released the morning of the fox broadcast and minutes afterwards, your personal opinion appears on this board.

Yeah, im convinced.

Timing is everything.



Lue C Fur

Evil member
Its just a coincedence that your opinion and fox's opinions just happen to be released the morning of the fox broadcast and minutes afterwards, your personal opinion appears on this board.

It must be a coincedence that you repeat Bill Maher word for word (minus the cuss words) right after he spews his Loony left talking points...




HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH OMG.... seriously,........ oh wait, you are.

Its just a coincedence that your opinion and fox's opinions just happen to be released the morning of the fox broadcast and minutes afterwards, your personal opinion appears on this board.

Yeah, im convinced.

Timing is everything.



Keep watching FOX news...maybe one day it will sink in and you can understand it...thanks for making them number 1



The ratings every week get better for FOX and go down for the rest of the MSM...America is getting sick of what the Loony Left is selling.

I love the fair and balanced...its nice to have a dem up there giving their pov just to remind us how dems just dont understand anything.