Biden - Tology

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
High end real estate in Sedona, which will actually tank under Rmoney if he gets a limit on mortgage deductions.

Ironic, eh?

Do you have an Arizona real estate license? Are you an expert in the Sedona market? You aren't really going to get into the ring with me on Sedona real estate .... Are You?

You are talking about something you know ABSOLUTELY nothing about by the comment you made!

Liberals like to SPIN SPIN SPIN. Sometimes you SPIN yourself right out of a post!

As for mortgage deductions being taken away from the middle class - Point me to a video where Romney says that he is going to eliminate mortgage deductions for the middle class. I got a steak dinner that says you can't find any non doctored video. The Chicago campaign will say and do anything to win this election just ask Stephie or Davie.

I have made my decisions about Barry based on what he does, not what he says. Apparently you base your information from the misinformation of the administration and the attack lies from the Chicago campaign. This sleazy Chicago campaign and administration has gone so far as to blame our Ambassador's assassination on a video (SPIN SPIN SPIN) just to try and save face for the administration's failure to adequately protect the Ambassador. They already tried to blame it on Romney and that didn't fly. How long until they blame it on Bush?

Cutter and Axelrod are the two biggest slime balls in politics right now.


Staff member
Honestly Lifer, it goes back to math again. With Romney/Ryan cuts they have two choices. Increase the deficits exponentially or get rid of the huge cuts the middle class count on like the mortgage interest deduction. That's not spin, it's fact. Also fact is that neither campaign wants to give specifics about where they want to go if elected because neither road is going to be pleasant.


Well-Known Member

The ratings every week get better for FOX and go down for the rest of the MSM...America is getting sick of what the Loony Left is selling.

When you live in a country where education is in decline, illiteracy grows and the ability to critically think is all but disappearing, in that kind of culture is this something to be crowing about?

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Honestly Lifer, it goes back to math again. With Romney/Ryan cuts they have two choices. Increase the debt exponentially or get rid of the huge cuts the middle class count on like the mortgage interest deduction. That's not spin, it's fact. Also fact is that neither campaign wants to give specifics about where they want to go if elected because neither road is going to be pleasant.

I agree with your last statement. You can't get too specific because Congress needs to legislate. However, the biggest area of reform still needs to be entitlements. And a good business cuts back by attrition and eliminating all the mid level non essential layers. You re-assign people to other areas and as people retire you fill the positions with the bench.

It takes a little longer but it won't affect the economy as if you laid off thousands of people all at once.

If businesses feel comfortable again to hire, we get new revenue streams of taxation without raising taxes. It also eliminates the spending that goes to food stamps and unemployment. It will work. Business will take a chance if they don't feel the boot on their throat.


Staff member
When you live in a country where education is in decline, illiteracy grows and the ability to critically think is all but disappearing, in that kind of culture is this something to be crowing about?
I remember years ago the republican party bemoaning the dumbing down of American scholastic aptitude. Looks like they found a way to capitalize.


Staff member
I agree with your last statement. You can't get too specific because Congress needs to legislate. However, the biggest area of reform still needs to be entitlements. And a good business cuts back by attrition and eliminating all the mid level non essential layers. You re-assign people to other areas and as people retire you fill the positions with the bench.

It takes a little longer but it won't affect the economy as if you laid off thousands of people all at once.

If businesses feel comfortable again to hire, we get new revenue streams of taxation without raising taxes. It also eliminates the spending that goes to food stamps and unemployment. It will work. Business will take a chance if they don't feel the boot on their throat.
I just don't buy that. Businesses can hire and they can fire just like always. What they are comfortable with is record profits and increased worker productivity and an unemployment rate that keeps wage earners desperate for whatever they can get.


there are a couple of other facts to consider when evaluating the implications of those first two - first, there are 2.5 million corporations in the United States, and those 50-year record profits are what was reported by 500 of them for a single year. A record amount of profit posted by .02% of our corporations does not tell us anything meaningful about the profitability of the other 99.98%.
Next, only 21 million Americans work for a Fortune 500 firm, out of the 130 million or so who work. perhaps most importantly, 52% of the profits of the Fortune 500 in 2011 were earned overseas. When overseas profits are removed from corporate earnings reports, 2011 was a quite ordinary year in comparison to the previous 49.
Higher taxes on "record" profits might sound appealing, but emotion and economics are two very different standards by which to judge ideas. Raising corporate tax rates means higher prices for consumers and job cuts to offset the government's larger rake - ask the people of Illinois if it has solved any of their problems.
Next year, a $500 billion tax increase awaits Americans if Congress does not act this year to extend current tax rates, including the infamous "Bush tax cuts" from the last decade. 70% of this will fall on middle and low-income families with an average increased tax burden of $3,800 per family, according to Heritage Foundation


Well-Known Member
Everyone keeps bringing up Reagan.

What's amusing to me is that Reagan probably wouldn't get the Republican nomination these


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
there are a couple of other facts to consider when evaluating the implications of those first two - first, there are 2.5 million corporations in the United States,.....

Where did you get that 'fact' from? Before I even bother to read whatever else you claim as 'fact', show me the figures you use. I'll give you a head start:
Statistics about Business Size (including Small Business) from the U.S. Census Bureau

By the way, just because some libertarian said it doesn't make it true, and plagiarizing an entire post is really bad form.


golden ticket member


golden ticket member


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Bless your heart, moreluck. Very noble of you to come to the aid of caharrell5

I'm still waiting to see the figures behind his post. Just because a Tea Party libertarian says something does not make it fact.


golden ticket member
Bless your heart, moreluck. Very noble of you to come to the aid of caharrell5

I'm still waiting to see the figures behind his post. Just because a Tea Party libertarian says something does not make it fact.
I had a friend who has passed. She lived in N.C. and prior to that all her time was mostly VA. I know what "bless your heart" really means........I also know what "maam" really means. So shove it, slick!!


Bless your heart, moreluck. Very noble of you to come to the aid of caharrell5

I'm still waiting to see the figures behind his post. Just because a Tea Party libertarian says something does not make it fact.

what was wrong about the post...your census post has nothing to do with your argument