According to the report he tried
On June 17, 2017, the President called McGahn at home and directed him to call
the Acting Attorney General and say that the Special Counsel had conflicts of interest and must be
removed. McGahn did not carry out the direction, however, deciding that he would resign rather
than trigger what he regarded as a potential Saturday Night Massacre".
The Mueller report also has an "intent" section
"c. Intent. Substantial evidence indicates that the President's effort to have Sessions
limit the scope of the Special Counsel's investigation to future election interference was intended
to prevent further investigative scrutiny of the President' s and his campaign's conduct.
As previously described, see Volume TT, Section II.B, supra, the President knew that the
Russia investigation was focused in part on his campaign, and he perceived allegations of Russian
interference to cast doubt on the legitimacy of his election. The President further knew that the
investigation had broadened to include his own conduct and whether he had obstructed justice.
Those investigations would not proceed if the Special Counsel's jurisdiction were limited to future
election interference only.
The timing and circumstances of the President's actions support the conclusion that he
sought that result. The President's initial direction that Sessions should limit the Special Counsel's
investigation came just two days after the President had ordered McGahn to ~ave the Special
Counsel removed, which itself followed public reports that the President was personally under
investigation for obstruction of justice. The sequence of those events raises an inference that after
seeking to terminate the Special Counsel, the President sought to exclude his and his campaign's
conduct from the investigation's scope. The President raised the matter with Lewandowski again
on July 19, 2017, just days after emails and information about the June 9, 2016 meeting between
Russians and senior campaign officials had been publicly disclosed, generating substantial media
coverage and investigative interest.
The manner in which the President acted provides additional evidence of his intent. Rather
than rely on official channels, the President met with Lewandowski alone in the Oval Office. The
President selected a loyal "devotee" outside the White House to deliver the message, supporting
an inference that he was working outside White House channels, including McGahn, who had
previously resisted contacting the Department of Justice about the Special Counsel. The President
also did not contact the Acting Attorney General, who had just testified publicly that there was no
cause to remove the Special Counsel. Instead, the President tried to use Sessions to restrict and
redirect the Special Counsel's investigation when Sessions was recused and could not properly
take any action on it.
The July 19, 2017 events provide further evidence of the President's intent. The President
followed up with Lewandowski in a separate one-on-one meeting one month after he first dictated
the message for Sessions, demonstrating he still sought to pursue the request. And just hours after
Lewandowski assured the President that the message would soon be delivered to Sessions, the
President gave an unplanned interview to the New York Times in which he publicly attacked
Sessions and raised questions about his job security. Four days later, on July 22, 2017, the
President directed Priebus to obtain Sessions's resignation. That evidence could raise an inference
that the President wanted Sessions to realize that his job might be on the line as he evaluated
whether to comply with the President's direction that Sessions publicly announce that,
notwithstanding his recusal, he was going to confine the Special Counsel's investigation to future
election interference.