Bill O'Reilly becoming a Non-Factor


Retired 23 years
Bushes people told the gal who claims to have been sexually harassed by him that "you shouldn't have stood so close to him"--"you just don't understand his sense of humor. Barbra B apparently witnessed it and just rolled her eyes.


nowhere special
Bushes people told the gal who claims to have been sexually harassed by him that "you shouldn't have stood so close to him"--"you just don't understand his sense of humor. Barbra B apparently witnessed it and just rolled her eyes.

She was a classy lady.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure the Clinton sleaze has been and continues to be discussed in its own thread.

but you don't know because you only follow and object to the O'rielly sleeze which pales in comparison to the Wienstien and Clinton sleeze?

oops almost forgot Wiener boy