New Member
First off why do you care how hard anyone else works if all you really care about is yourself. Those guys with 5 weeks vacation have at least 8 to 10 years and were paying their dues when you were still crapping your pants and popping zits. Go be a part time puke and change the world. Usually these little turds go into part time supervision because they are lazy and you sound the part. You've been here like a year and you think since you are faster as a 20 year old punk that someone with 17 years that loaded for 6 to 10 should go back into the load because you are some kind of superstar. Get over yourself.
anonymous you obviously have a lot of years under your belt but I think your aggressive approach to advice isn't helping anyone. He's a young man with a lot of ambition, I'm sure you can recall a similar bright eyed individual. Anyone that loads a 600 pph isn't lazy and just because he's frustrated with the system doesn't mean he's a punk. I'm not sure how many different kinds of jobs you've had but most of them typically reward the person who performs the best, and ruthlessly disregard those who have "payed their dues" once they are unable to compete. Union jobs are completely counter logic to most of the jobs available to uneducated youth. That being said he's clearly not established himself as a "lifer" and is temporarily using UPS to pay his bills. PT Supervision isn't for the lazy, and isn't for the lifer, it's for the in between that need a better solution than 4 years of seniority to pick-off. Perhaps instead of pushing him away with a response you could instead try and guide him to the best of your ability. This thread was intended for advice, if you didn't have any useful advice/information I'm sure you could have taken the leisure route and just kept on scrolling through the forums.