Black Lives Matter BLM "movement"


Well-Known Member
Please tell me EXACTLY how and/or why "scabs" are a serious threat to union jobs. Please explain this as if you were talking to a middle high school classroom. I CAN'T WAIT to hear it. SO excited for this.

Meh, we are just SO into romance regardless of the activity. Be it tricycling or whatever. We are incurable 😬

Don't sleep on your side bro. You'll leave brown spots on your pillow.
Did you say you were 64? Or 4?


All Trash No Trailer
Please tell me EXACTLY how and/or why "scabs" are a serious threat to union jobs. Please explain this as if you were talking to a middle high school classroom. I CAN'T WAIT to hear it. SO excited for this.
Ok, i'll use very small words so you can understand it : The company pays the Union a set amount weekly for Full Time Employees Health Insurance and Pension. Less Full Time Union employees , equals LESS contributions to the union. Less Full time Employees weakens the union which the company will use in Contract Negotiations. I hope this exceeds your excitement level.

Now get to parceling, I need that stock price to go up


Legio patria nostra
Ok, i'll use very small words so you can understand it : The company pays the Union a set amount weekly for Full Time Employees Health Insurance and Pension. Less Full Time Union employees , equals LESS contributions to the union. Less Full time Employees weakens the union which the company will use in Contract Negotiations. I hope this exceeds your excitement level.

Now get to parceling, I need that stock price to go up
Damn, you’re stupid.


Please remove my account. This forum sucks.
Ok, i'll use very small words so you can understand it : The company pays the Union a set amount weekly for Full Time Employees Health Insurance and Pension. Less Full Time Union employees , equals LESS contributions to the union. Less Full time Employees weakens the union which the company will use in Contract Negotiations. I hope this exceeds your excitement level.

Now get to parceling, I need that stock price to go up
That is, perhaps, the worst explanation possible. C'mon man. You're better than that.
Do it again and, this time, put a smidgen of brain power into it. All you did was parrot union talking points. Use real business and economics.


All Trash No Trailer
That is, perhaps, the worst explanation possible. C'mon man. You're better than that.
Do it again and, this time, put a smidgen of brain power into it. All you did was parrot union talking points. Use real business and economics.
i explained it clearly: Scabs dont pay dues and that weakens the union. let me make it even more simple for you as you have a lack of ability to grasp this: Hourly workers need the Union because UPS does not pay well,provide generous paid vacations,paid holidays , pay for the package cars, the Fuel Insurance and maintenance on said package cars, or provide yearly raises because they love Hourly employees. Also the Union provides FREE Health Insurance and Pensions fom the money UPS pays to the union each and every week for all Full Time Employees
It's very very simple.
Ask some of the management types on here about how much they pay for insurance and what their pension is.
better yet go ask your neighbors if they get FREE health insurance ,7 weeks paid vacations and a very generous pension.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Black Lives Matter Global Foundation. They are communists. Fact. They are proud of it.
They are racists. Fact.
I know some people who have Black Lives Matter flags, yard signs, and Black Lives Matter stickers on their car.
Now a Christmas time quote from the Black Lives Matter Global Foundation,
''Let's harness our economic power to disrupt white supremacist capitalism and build black communities. Black Christmas is about being self-determined and dismantling existing structures by building new and more viable beneficial ones. In the names of our mightiest the most righteous warrior ancestors in the names of all of those stolen by police violence. In honor of our community and as a commitment to the generations to come, boycott White Business.''

So, the Black Lives Matter organization is calling for all African-Americans not to buy from anyone who's white. Racist much?They will hurt you if they could because of the color of your skin. Caucasians and Hispanics and Asians.
I'm dreaming of a Blaaaaack Cnrismas....Just like one I never knew....unreal


Wrong again. I don't need the UPS money. They needed me and guess what? The drivers I've worked with are very happy to have the help I provide. I'm sure they don't like the idea of the union allowing us, "scabs" as you put it, to work but we are so they take advantage of it.
I started a business that I ran for 20 years. I sold it for 3/4 million. I'm proud of the fact that I didn't have to be a union puppet.

Really? Clearly someone has you fooled. China is suffering in a huge way financially. China is far from the morality capital of the world. Look up how they treat their people.

Btw - blm is a farce (trying to be topic friendly - I'm a super friendly guy😁)
We got another millionaire part timer jus doin it for fun


Here’s a cause…
When you cause a pregnancy. Take responsibility and raise the kid . 70% of black kids don’t have a father at home, that’s why they are into guns, gangs, drugs. No example for them.
Economic development?
Don’t steal what isn’t yours .Get a job, make sacrifices, be responsible and respectful. Economics will take care of itself.