Black Lives Matter? Statistics Show That They Do.....


Well-Known Member
This is an objective lie. Smh. I mean wow, this level of dishonesty is wow. He is saying black Americans were only discriminated against in southeastern America that level of wow. Smh.
They had Jim Crow laws in the Southeast. Not aware of such laws elsewhere. I never said there was no discrimination elsewhere but definitely not at that level. A lot of Blacks left the South to get jobs up North in auto factories and elsewhere. Plenty did well for themselves doing so. And you know what, a lot have returned to the South because they find the people nicer. "60 Minutes" did a segment on that phenomenon years ago. You have a blanket, one size fits all mentality. You don't allow for change, for personal growth. And you seem to gloss over problems in the Black community not caused by White racists. Today's South isn't your grandfather's South. Most people have learned to get along and move on.


Active Member
If you don’t even look at the data how can you assess the actual disparities between the races?

The massive new study on race and economic mobility in America, explained

This is a very in depth breakdown of the new research based on census data. Read through it if you want a better understanding of the topic at hand.
LOL I have looked at the data but I am not taking it as fact. LMAO...Harvard and Standford professors left a disclaimer on their PowerPoint presentation.
The views expressed are not necessarily those of the U.S. Census Bureau. The statistical summaries reported in these slides have been cleared by the Census Bureau's Disclosure Review Board release authorization number CBDRB-FY18-195. All values in the tables and figures that appear in this presentation have been rounded to four significant digits as part of the disclosure avoidance protocol.
This means Census Bureau let them release it but they don't agree they are facts. Stop using google as your only source.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
LOL I have looked at the data but I am not taking it as fact. LMAO...Harvard and Standford professors left a disclaimer on their PowerPoint presentation.
The views expressed are not necessarily those of the U.S. Census Bureau. The statistical summaries reported in these slides have been cleared by the Census Bureau's Disclosure Review Board release authorization number CBDRB-FY18-195. All values in the tables and figures that appear in this presentation have been rounded to four significant digits as part of the disclosure avoidance protocol.
This means Census Bureau let them release it but they don't agree they are facts. Stop using google as your only source.
Google isn’t a source, it’s what you use to find sources. Demonstrating ignorance is not a persuasive form of argumentation.


Active Member
It’s clear you have no interest in intelligent discussion. Feel free to educate yourself and get back to me.
LOL what do you mean? You complain I didn't read the data..I actually found the power point to it and now I have no interest in a intelligent discussion? I'm just trying to say don't up and believe everything you read. They are using data from the 90's lol. But ok, ill quit discussing your set in stone all facts study.


Well-Known Member
It’s clear you have no interest in intelligent discussion. Feel free to educate yourself and get back to me.
mb snob.jpg


Well-Known Member
You’re stopping at invidual achievement ignoring the entire system. Individual black people can succeed, but the deck is stacked against them as a group. All data backs that up.
Complete and total bull feathers. List the ways the deck is stacked against them in concrete verifiable terms. It's simply not possible. Do it, data backs outcome not obstacles. Support your post. It is absolutely not possible being truthful.


Well-Known Member
It takes for these key individuals to go above and beyond what a white counter part would have to do in similar scenarios. I've analyzed this first hand.
BS. Share the results of your analysis. You're over your head clown, if truth is to be included. If not, go to the back of the line and present your bs like the others that can't quantify or support their yapping with facts.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Complete and total bull feathers. List the ways the deck is stacked against them in concrete verifiable terms. It's simply not possible. Do it, data backs outcome not obstacles. Support your post. It is absolutely not possible being truthful.
I’m working under the assumption that black people are inherently equal in ability and desire to succeed in life as their white counterparts. That leaves systemic rasicm as the cause of the outcome gap. Perhaps you don’t share that view of initial variables and believe blacks are inherently inferior, but I’d disagree.


Well-Known Member
I’m working under the assumption that black people are inherently equal in ability and desire to succeed in life as their white counterparts. That leaves systemic rasicm as the cause of the outcome gap. Perhaps you don’t share that view of initial variables and believe blacks are inherently inferior, but I’d disagree.
It's nice you assume inherent equality, I don't assume it. Equality among humans, no matter the color or origin is a given to me, regardless of assumptions, what I might think or assume has no relevance with the truth. Variables, which you have mentioned can dictate the success or achievement of any nationality or color of peoples. In the past in America hurdles were set in place, it's the past, it's gone. I ask for only One, 1, example of a hurdle that is in place today.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
It's nice you assume inherent equality, I don't assume it. Equality among humans, no matter the color or origin is a given to me, regardless of assumptions, what I might think or assume has no relevance with the truth. Variables, which you have mentioned can dictate the success or achievement of any nationality or color of peoples. In the past in America hurdles were set in place, it's the past, it's gone. I ask for only One, 1, example of a hurdle that is in place today.
What’s your explanation for the achievement gap then? Why are black men incarcerated at 4 times the rate of white men? Do you really believe they are more likely to be criminals or is there systemic inequality in the administration of justice? Drug usage rates are equal across racial lines, drug offense incarceration rates are not even close to equal. If that isn’t an example of a systemic roadblock to black success I’m not sure what is. It’s what BLM is focused on.


Well-Known Member
What’s your explanation for the achievement gap then? Why are black men incarcerated at 4 times the rate of white men? Do you really believe they are more likely to be criminals or is there systemic inequality in the administration of justice? Drug usage rates are equal across racial lines, drug offense incarceration rates are not even close to equal. If that isn’t an example of a systemic roadblock to black success I’m not sure what is. It’s what BLM is focused on.
What is the rate of murder in black neighborhoods compared to all other neighborhoods? All violent crimes? Property crimes? Hate to tell you this but the most violent, crime ridden cities in the U.S. all have very large black communities. And we can go into all kinds of historical, socioeconomic facts as to why that is so but doesn't change the fact that it is so. Instead of worrying about the Black guy who got busted for sticking a gun in someone's face to take his wallet(and let's hope he doesn't shoot the victim), we should be focused on the good people in those neighborhoods who have to live in that kind of hell. More policing, more public transport to areas with jobs, relocating factories(or whatever) with incentives to move there to give them jobs, that sort of thing. This constant going back to it's always the white man's fault doesn't solve anything. Come up with solutions to problems, not accusations.


Well-Known Member
What’s your explanation for the achievement gap then? Why are black men incarcerated at 4 times the rate of white men? Do you really believe they are more likely to be criminals or is there systemic inequality in the administration of justice? Drug usage rates are equal across racial lines, drug offense incarceration rates are not even close to equal. If that isn’t an example of a systemic roadblock to black success I’m not sure what is. It’s what BLM is focused on.

I simply asked for an example of one hurdle that has been put in place today and you provide a long paragraph with the same excuses and complaints.
Once again, please name one hurdle.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
I simply asked for an example of one hurdle that has been put in place today and you provide a long paragraph with the same excuses and complaints.
Once again, please name one hurdle.
I did answer you, the unequal administration of justice. Now it’s your turn, what’s your explanation for the achievement gap?


Well-Known Member
I did answer you, the unequal administration of justice. Now it’s your turn, what’s your explanation for the achievement gap?
That is not a hurdle, that is your view on the justice system based on conviction rates. Using your logic there is proof that the criminal legal system favors all seniors in the 60 to 70 year age range over the 20-30 age group because there are geometrically less incarcerated.
The achievement gap exists because of racist Asians holding all others down. While being outnumbered they as a group attain the highest academic achievement.
Do you understand how silly that previous statement is?
It is your statement pertaining to blacks and whites.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
That is not a hurdle, that is your view on the justice system based on conviction rates. Using your logic there is proof that the criminal legal system favors all seniors in the 60 to 70 year age range over the 20-30 age group because there are geometrically less incarcerated.
The achievement gap exists because of racist Asians holding all others down. While being outnumbered they as a group attain the highest academic achievement.
Do you understand how silly that previous statement is?
It is your statement pertaining to blacks and whites.
You’re being intentionally obtuse. Whites and blacks consume drugs at an equal rate. Blacks are disproportionately incarcerated for the same crime. The real crime offenses are equal if not more heavily weighted to whites but blacks are charged, jailed and subsequently barred from future employment at a 4:1 ratio.

You are the one assigning blame to whitey, not me. I’m trying to get you to understand that a problem exists. We have to start there before exploring possible causes and solutions.


Well-Known Member
You’re being intentionally obtuse. Whites and blacks consume drugs at an equal rate. Blacks are disproportionately incarcerated for the same crime. The real crime offenses are equal if not more heavily weighted to whites but blacks are charged, jailed and subsequently barred from future employment at a 4:1 ratio.

You are the one assigning blame to whitey, not me. I’m trying to get you to understand that a problem exists. We have to start there before exploring possible causes and solutions.
Limit your illegal drug usage to the confines of your home, and give no one the opportunity to call the police, (disturbance and such) and you will not become a criminal defendant. Take your illegal usage or possession to the streets and your chances of becoming a defendant soar.
A little common sense goes a long way.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Limit your illegal drug usage to the confines of your home, and give no one the opportunity to call the police, (disturbance and such) and you will not become a criminal defendant. Take your illegal usage or possession to the streets and your chances of becoming a defendant soar.
A little common sense goes a long way.
Still no explanation for the achievement gap from you. It’s telling that you can’t answer that.