Black Lives Matter? Statistics Show That They Do.....


Well-Known Member
I know.

Look, I am not the most charitable to others who I dont know and who I disagree with about certain topics, but one poster is really pretending that black Americans didn’t experience systematic racism all over America. He is really like it was only the south. Smh.

And another one is pretending asking individual people can reveal widespread racial disparities and that he can personally observe it.

Look I do not name call, but that’s just plain stupid.

Whenever discussing racial disparities, some people react like the existence of these disparities is a personal affront. Like they are being charged personally as guilty.
And they start saying a lot of stupid stuff.
Guess what buddy, I'm not afraid to call a name. And the name you earned with your redlining post is Full of .... You know the last word. Back your way out of the lies of that post.


Well-Known Member
I know.

Look, I am not the most charitable to others who I dont know and who I disagree with about certain topics, but one poster is really pretending that black Americans didn’t experience systematic racism all over America. He is really like it was only the south. Smh.

And another one is pretending asking individual people can reveal widespread racial disparities and that he can personally observe it.

Look I do not name call, but that’s just plain stupid.

Whenever discussing racial disparities, some people react like the existence of these disparities is a personal affront. Like they are being charged personally as guilty.
And they start saying a lot of stupid stuff.
And yet you make no allowances for improved conditions, brand one political party as completely racist while holding up your own as all sweetness and light, and appear to suggest everything going on in the Black community is completely, totally the White man's fault. Your mind is poisoned, you and your ilk aren't improving anything, and if the country is ruined it'll be your party's rabid race B.S hustling for votes that'll be the cause.


Well-Known Member
Guess what buddy, I'm not afraid to call a name. And the name you earned with your redlining post is Full of .... You know the last word. Back your way out of the lies of that post.
Lol, you are just plain uninformed about redlining. I suggest you read up on the 1968 civil rights bill about housing and learn.


Well-Known Member
you look it up.

The ca
Lol, no. look up the 1968 civil rights bill on housing and learn something.
You are complete and total bs. What happened to the long drawn out paragraphs. I totally understand what redlining is and was, you just happened to happen on someone that knows your attempting to sell lies. You came to the right place however, this place is full of ignorant cisterns.


Well-Known Member
No, so if that’s all you got I guess you can remain uninformed.

Knowledge is a google search away or not.
Where did the long paragraphs of knowledge go? You are backing out of the room. First intelligent thing you've done today. Smart move. Don't you still owe me an answer to a question from a couple of days ago?


Well-Known Member
And yet you make no allowances for improved conditions, brand one political party as completely racist while holding up your own as all sweetness and light, and appear to suggest everything going on in the Black community is completely, totally the White man's fault. Your mind is poisoned, you and your ilk aren't improving anything, and if the country is ruined it'll be your party's rabid race B.S hustling for votes that'll be the cause.

Nonsense, I posted there are wide spread huge racial disparities in nearly area of American life backed up by copious amounts of government data.

The rest is your imagination. Cause I don’t do the things are getting better or things are the same or things are worse. How would I know? I wasn’t alive or I was a little kid and I haven’t done the actual reading to make that kind of comparison.

But it’s irrelevant whether things are better or worse than some point in past. What matters is that huge wide spread racial disparities in all areas of American life still exist. We have to end that as Americans.


Well-Known Member
Here is but one example. Redlining was a practice carried out by the federal government that was massively racist and specifically targeted black Americans all over America.

Just felt like rubbing your nose in it again.


Well-Known Member
You are complete and total bs. What happened to the long drawn out paragraphs. I totally understand what redlining is and was, you just happened to happen on someone that knows your attempting to sell lies. You came to the right place however, this place is full of ignorant cisterns.

No you don’t. Again, I suggest you look up the 1968 civil rights bill and look at what the FHA was doing to banks that caused them to redline.
Knowledge is a google search away.


Well-Known Member
And yet you make no allowances for improved conditions, brand one political party as completely racist while holding up your own as all sweetness and light, and appear to suggest everything going on in the Black community is completely, totally the White man's fault. Your mind is poisoned, you and your ilk aren't improving anything, and if the country is ruined it'll be your party's rabid race B.S hustling for votes that'll be the cause.

What is the “black community”? Black Americans live all over America. What does a black person in rural Mississippi have to do with a black person in Jacksonville FL, or Chicago, or the suburbs of Atlanta, or Denver, or Philadelphia or etc. what black community do they share?
there is no singular “black community”. It doesn’t exist. The singular “black community” only exists to justify what is collectively wrong within the black race. Nothing good is ever said about the singular “black community”. whenever anyone has references the singular “black community” it is always to say something is collectively wrong within the black race. That the black race is defecive, deficient, dysfunctional in some way.

It never fails. There is nothing wrong with the black race that ending systematic racism won’t cure.


Well-Known Member
Where did the long paragraphs of knowledge go? You are backing out of the room. First intelligent thing you've done today. Smart move. Don't you still owe me an answer to a question from a couple of days ago?
Lol, you really want to make this personal?

All I’m saying is remain uninformed or you can learn and know.

But it’s up to you.