And yet many Blacks still do well. And many white dropouts go into blue collar work. They drive trucks, learn a trade like plumbing, etc. My grandfather quit school after 8th grade during the Depression. Eventually learned how to drill water wells and was successful. There are a million variables as to why things are so yet with you it's just racism. I worked for FedEx for 29 years and during that time worked with many Blacks who made as much or more than me. I imagine it's the same over at UPS. No doubt there are employers who won't hire a Black person. And come up with B.S. reasons why. But with unemployment so low right now I'd say any person, no matter who they are, if they present themselves professionally can get a job easily right now. It may not pay what they want, but everyone without specialized training that pays or not working for a unionized outfit faces low pay and few benefits, if any, these days.