I wish it was like that here but our center manager loves it. Outright said why would I stop them from doing their job for free.
And you just can’t get it through their head it only screws them in the long run.
To be fair, I went on a crusade about my load quality and the preload efforts.
October-November I was in my on-road's ear, in my center manager's ear every single day about how horrendous the loads were.
Got to the point they asked me why I was so angry. I answered because I don't think I should have to come in early and sort before start time just to have a reasonable day. They responded, "No, you shouldn't," and then the next day I thought the situation was worked out and showed up to work to find out I was going out with two trucks and over 500 pieces.
Just a pile of

in both trucks, man. I call 'em Stevie-Wonder-and-a-shovel loads.
The things I do are in an effort to increase my longevity. If anybody can talk some sense into me about how having easier days makes it more or less likely for me to make pension injury- and incident-free, I'm more than willing to listen.
I'm not in a panic to get home. I'm worried about how I'll react to those incredibly stressful days where every turn you make is accompanied by the sound of an avalanche of cardboard behind your bulkhead.
And the best part? Truly, the best part is that there was a point where I was wittled down to about 150 stops, 250pcs. I thought that was because I was winning the long game and they were adjusting my route, but really? They were taking a few stops from several of my neighborhoods and giving them to our budding SSDs/PVDs to get them used to the job. So yeah, I thought I was killing it and manipulating the route into better numbers, but really it was just a seasonal situation. Lost the seasonals and I'm right back up to 200+ stops, >300pcs on the daily.