Well I understand the confusion but a two-tiered Wage system Would mean new employees had no path to make top rate, they do have a path now, and most are going in a year or less to the RPCD side. We have a classification problem sure, we also have a problem with the 22.4 being used improperly because the language is so horrible they were supposed to originally drive part of the time and work in the building part of the time. Because the language was written so vague or not at all, naturally the company uses them as regular drivers 22.4s say we’re doing the same work and getting less pay, shame on the negotiators for not writing better language. A 23-year-old driver who starts as a 22.4 maybe works 18 months as a 22.4 and then becomes an RPCD and makes top rate after four years is four years ahead of where I started I was part time seven years then went driving and waited two years to go to top rate So almost 9 years to top rate for me. Actually if there was ever two tiers at UPS, it was probably the 1983 contract I believe, I worked alongside people who are called red circle who made just a little bit less than regular drivers as part-timers, while I never would’ve had an opportunity to make that.