My center is a bonus center, and being a cover driver, I'm lucky to make an hour a week in bonus. If I'm on one of the routes I know really well for a week, I can maybe get 2-4 hours of bonus for the week, with taking a 30 min lunch, 10 min paid break. I don't run or break my balls trying to beat their weird numbers game. However, I do things such as signature releases at every stop I can, as there is an allotment of time for each signature acquired. I've heard its 1min30sec but I can't really know that for sure. Every business, signature if I see someone, if not- CIR that stuff. Any residential, if I see someone outside that is coming around to grab their package, signature. Business heavy routes are way easier to clock in some bonus on, I don't really even bother out in the rural areas.
What I find comical is, the route I qualified on, was a planned 9.5 hour day, 64 miles, heavy pickups, heavy business and deliveries. The ORION on that route is god-awful, it makes no sense to do it how it's lined up in the board, a lot of the reason is it thinks the one main highway is a usable road to use to flow around to all the areas. It is not, so it makes the most sense to just knock the route out, grid by grid, section by section. I would be done in 8 hours, have about 48 miles, and be over in bonus world somehow. One day I followed ORION 100%, was done at 6:30, 65 miles, made just under 2 hours in bonus. Go figure, you get rewarded for driving more, and taking longer.