Breaking news...LIAM at the....


Oh Yeah
Love you man. That was great.
Just bring real, id pee pee on anybody I didn't like or respect in a hot second lol.
200- erfgyui.gif
Hoffa has been in office since 1999. You do the math. Anyway, I'm not sure of your credentials but I have a few accomplishments myself. Probably makes me more qualified than Jr.But my dad was certainly not the President of the Teamsters.
As for why I "don't like him", I never said I didnt like the man. I just dont respect the man. First, he never earned any local cred by getting his hands dirty. Second, because he exploited his family's famous name. Third, because the only thing he really fights for IS HIS ELECTION CAMPAIGNS!!
By the way Ron Carey was not "caught doing criminal activity". He was accused of knowing about a scheme others had did. No proof existed that he knew of the swap. On the actual charges against him (lying to investigators), he was acquitted, so stop the lies.
Banned for life. Got kicked out of office. He was a liar.