Bring it DeSantis, give em some high heat

PT Stewie

"Big Fella"


Well-Known Member
Republicans only care about the border and immigration right before an election. You guys just recently controlled the White House, Senate, and House for 2 years and did nothing to overhaul the immigration system or fund the border wall Trump promised.


All Trash No Trailer
For a guy that doesn't even believe Jesus existed and was who he claimed to be you put great stock in His words when you think you can beat His believers over the head with them.
You'd rather have them wandering around in the wilderness for forty years.

It's your parties open border policy that exacerbates the whole problem. The responsibility lies largely with your party.
You Christian folk are bound to the word of Jesus. I am merely pointing out that rarely do you people follow the words of the man you say you worship,typical Christian Hypocrisy
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All Trash No Trailer
Republicans only care about the border and immigration right before an election. You guys just recently controlled the White House, Senate, and House for 2 years and did nothing to overhaul the immigration system or fund the border wall Trump promised.
And Mexico was going to pay for that wall!
I love how Trump suckered the Clan and they still love him
You Christian folk are bound to the word of Jesus. I am merely pointing out that rarely do you people follow the words of the man you say you worship,typical Christian Hypocrisy
That's to be expected when comparing fallen men to a Holy God. Just because we're wrong doesn't mean that He wasn't right. He's going to deal with each of us individually.

He (Jesus) is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation.
Colossians 1:15 ESV
