Bring it DeSantis, give em some high heat


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Since migrants actually aren't coming into our state en masse, we had to go to an entirely different state to carry out this campaign stunt.

Listen to what he said. Illegal's want to go to Florida.

Liberals are allowing mass flooding of illegal's. Why? Any why do some Democrats refused to allow these illegal's they want here, to live in their community?


Well-Known Member
Since migrants actually aren't coming into our state en masse, we had to go to an entirely different state to carry out this campaign stunt.

I'm just curious. Seriously, would like an explanation. It's been known since last year that the administration has been flying illegals all over the country at taxpayer expense. They've been documented landing in secondary airports in the middle of the night where buses are picking them up to take them into cities. From what I hear these people are being released on their own recognizance with a notice to appear some time down the road. This is after they overwhelm border towns with their immediate needs.

Why is this ok but DeSantis flying 50 of them to an area touted as a sanctuary for illegal immigrants so controversial to people who support what the administration is doing?

Why is it ok for the border states to bear all the burden for a policy that's actually illegal? The administration is responsible for border security and it clearly says in the Constitution the Federal government must protect states from invasion. What else is it but an invasion when two million people so far have crossed illegally? And rather than send them back the government is aiding and abetting their illegal crossing? Legal immigration makes sure, called vetting, that the person seeking to reside in our country doesn't have a criminal or terrorist record. That they understand something about our history. That they're either qualified to get gainful employment or have relatives here already who will sponsor and assist them. What we're seeing at the border are millions without the means to support themselves and needing assistance. And most of that is being put squarely on the border states and communities. Why is that ok but flying 50 who gave their consent to a wealthy enclave a humanitarian crisis?


Strength through joy
Lawyers for Civil Rights have filed a class action lawsuit against Florida Officials concerning the movement of migrants to MV.
The local tv is turning this into a break new story.
Unfortunately, they have become those that are now using these migrants for polictical purposes.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Lawyers for Civil Rights have filed a class action lawsuit against Florida Officials concerning the movement of migrants to MV.
The local tv is turning this into a break new story.
Unfortunately, they have become those that are now using these migrants for polictical purposes.
So no lawsuit against Biden flying illegal's all over?


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Lawyers for Civil Rights have filed a class action lawsuit against Florida Officials concerning the movement of migrants to MV.
The local tv is turning this into a break new story.
Unfortunately, they have become those that are now using these migrants for polictical purposes.
Going nowhere


Well-Known Member
I'm just curious. Seriously, would like an explanation. It's been known since last year that the administration has been flying illegals all over the country at taxpayer expense. They've been documented landing in secondary airports in the middle of the night where buses are picking them up to take them into cities. From what I hear these people are being released on their own recognizance with a notice to appear some time down the road. This is after they overwhelm border towns with their immediate needs.
Because those other cities know they're arriving unlike DeSantis' relocated people who only have Fox News and his campaign video people waiting.

I don't know about the secondary airport and middle of the night claims. But I'm guessing they're lower cost/low bid money saving decisions.

Why is this ok but DeSantis flying 50 of them to an area touted as a sanctuary for illegal immigrants so controversial to people who support what the administration is doing?

Why is Ron DeSantis solving a Texas problem? Why is Florida spending money to solve a Texas issue? Why isn't Greg Abbott doing the flights?

Why is it ok for the border states to bear all the burden for a policy that's actually illegal? The administration is responsible for border security and it clearly says in the Constitution the Federal government must protect states from invasion. What else is it but an invasion when two million people so far have crossed illegally? And rather than send them back the government is aiding and abetting their illegal crossing? Legal immigration makes sure, called vetting, that the person seeking to reside in our country doesn't have a criminal or terrorist record. That they understand something about our history. That they're either qualified to get gainful employment or have relatives here already who will sponsor and assist them. What we're seeing at the border are millions without the means to support themselves and needing assistance. And most of that is being put squarely on the border states and communities. Why is that ok but flying 50 who gave their consent to a wealthy enclave a humanitarian crisis?

Have the Southern states align and as a group fight the federal government on this. Call themselves the Association of Southern States and have Ron DeSantis as their leader.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Because those other cities know they're arriving unlike DeSantis' relocated people who only have Fox News and his campaign video people waiting.

I don't know about the secondary airport and middle of the night claims. But I'm guessing they're lower cost/low bid money saving decisions.

Why is Ron DeSantis solving a Texas problem? Why is Florida spending money to solve a Texas issue? Why isn't Greg Abbott doing the flights?

Have the Southern states align and as a group fight the federal government on this. Call themselves the Association of Southern States and have Ron DeSantis as their leader.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
I don't know about the secondary airport and middle of the night claims. But I'm guessing they're lower cost/low bid money saving decisions.

So, because you don’t know about the flights, they don’t exist? Biden flew a bunch of people to Jacksonville, FL in the middle of the night with no advance notice.

Why is Ron DeSantis solving a Texas problem? Why is Florida spending money to solve a Texas issue? Why isn't Greg Abbott doing the flights?

How is this a Texas problem? This is a United States problem that Texas is taking the brunt of. Maybe DeSantis decided to help the governor of Texas. Or maybe he thinks if he flies them to Martha’s Vineyard or other desirable places they won’t end up in Florida to drain the resources here.