Bring it DeSantis, give em some high heat


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
1. Why did Dems wait till the MSM told them they was suppose to be upset about flying illegals around before they got upset?
2. Why did Dems wait till the MSM told them that statues offended them before they was offended?
3. Why did Dems wait till the MSM told them that less police was better for crime before they wanted less police?
4. Why did Dems wait till the MSM told them that open boarders was good for a country before they wanted open boarders?
5. Why did Dems wait till the MSM told them that burning and looting was a way to peacefully protest before they was OK with burning and looting?
6. Why did Dems wait till the MSM told them that a 6 yr old should be able to make decisions on changing their gender before they thought it was a good ideal?
7. Why did Dems wait till the MSM told them that a man should be able to use the bathroom with a girl before they stopped calling that man a pervert?
8. Why did Dems wait till the MSM told them that killing a baby even after it was born was acceptable before they stopped calling it murder?
9. Why did Dems wait till the MSM told them that the American Flag was a symbol of racism and oppression before they thought it was?
10. Why did Dems wait till the MSM told them that no Identification to vote was a good thing, because black people evidentially don’t know how to get an ID, before they thought no ID voting was OK?
11. Why did Dems wait till the MSM told them that they couldn’t tell the difference between a man and a woman before they couldn’t identify them?

* Why do Dems not think for themselves? Because MSM hasn’t told them to.
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Well-Known Member
Because those other cities know they're arriving unlike DeSantis' relocated people who only have Fox News and his campaign video people waiting.

I don't know about the secondary airport and middle of the night claims. But I'm guessing they're lower cost/low bid money saving decisions.

Why is Ron DeSantis solving a Texas problem? Why is Florida spending money to solve a Texas issue? Why isn't Greg Abbott doing the flights?

Have the Southern states align and as a group fight the federal government on this. Call themselves the Association of Southern States and have Ron DeSantis as their leader.
Turning illegals loose by the hundreds of thousands with a notice to appear which many never do is ok to you? Putting the burden squarely on the border states is ok to you? Florida has been directly affected by the Biden administration's flying illegals to them and turning them loose. That puts a burden on local resources and has resulted in crimes including murder. Why is it ok to do that to Florida but not to Massachusetts? And yes it's been well documented that the Federal government has been flying illegals around the country for over a year. They may be more upfront about it now after being exposed but they were landing often at 2 to 4 a.m. and then busing the illegals into cities. Can you name another administration that has done this?


Strength through joy
Turning illegals loose by the hundreds of thousands with a notice to appear which many never do is ok to you? Putting the burden squarely on the border states is ok to you? Florida has been directly affected by the Biden administration's flying illegals to them and turning them loose. That puts a burden on local resources and has resulted in crimes including murder. Why is it ok to do that to Florida but not to Massachusetts? And yes it's been well documented that the Federal government has been flying illegals around the country for over a year. They may be more upfront about it now after being exposed but they were landing often at 2 to 4 a.m. and then busing the illegals into cities. Can you name another administration that has done this?
This is one time it isn't Trump's fault.

PT Stewie

"Big Fella"
When you analyze this ; The democrats like to call anyone they disagree with a racist. What is more racist then throwing 50 "brown people" out of Martha's Vineyard than that. They all ready have a representative minority with Michelle and Barack ? As an aside there are more than 50 job postings in the Vineyard newspaper.

PT Stewie

"Big Fella"
Trump didn’t finish building the wall he promised and that he said Mexico was going to pay for.
Listen I hate to break it to you and the other haters ,but Trump is not the president . Biden is the idiot in charge as you know him the campaign basement dweller, the economy leader that has helped inflation rise 7% since he took office,the guy who has let 2 million ileagal migrants enter the country this year, presided over record fetanyl deaths, left billions of dollars of military equipment for the Taliban, and let murder rates in our country skyrocket . You know that guy.


Well-Known Member
A false flag operation is an act committed with the intent of disguising the actual source of responsibility and pinning blame on another party.

You are quite adept at this.
He took money out of the military budget to go toward the wall, they took him to court and lost.

It was nothing but constant roadblocks. Trump is a builder, unrestrained I believe he would have completed the wall in under a year.

And it would have been a beautiful, glorious, magnificent wall, if you get my drift.


Well-Known Member
Now Biden is restarting the wall project.
So there must be a good reason now.
The good reason is the push back is turning into lost votes.
Votes are all that matters to these clowns. If he does restart I'll be curious if the leftist environmental groups haul his ass to court.


Strength through joy

And in a statement to FOX News, spokeswoman Taryn Fenske said the lawsuit is just 'political theater' perpetrated by 'opportunistic activists' at the expense of the illegal immigrants.
If these activists spent even a fraction of this time and effort at the border, perhaps some accountability would be brought to the Biden Administration's reckless border policies that entice illegal immigrants to make dangerous and often lethal journey through Central America and put their lives in the hands of cartels and coyotes,' she said in a statement.

Fenske added that the journey to Martha's Vineyard was done 'on a voluntary basis,' and shared a consent form she said each of the migrants was required to sign before they boarded the plane.

The forms, provided in English and Spanish, were apparently copied from Texas Gov Greg Abbott, who originally started busing migrants to Washington DC and New York City.

It says: 'I agree to hold the benefactor or its designed representatives harmless of all liability arising out of or in any way relating to any injuries and damages that may occur during the agreed transport to locations outside of Texas until the final destination in Massachusetts.'

'The immigrants were homeless, hungry and abandoned — and these activists didn't care about them,' Fenske said.


All Trash No Trailer
For the gentle Christian folk


Well-Known Member
For the gentle Christian folk
View attachment 401776
For a guy that doesn't even believe Jesus existed and was who he claimed to be you put great stock in His words when you think you can beat His believers over the head with them.
You'd rather have them wandering around in the wilderness for forty years.

It's your parties open border policy that exacerbates the whole problem. The responsibility lies largely with your party.


Strength through joy
Here's another reason why DeSantis won't face any charges.
It's a few years old.

New York City generously shares its homeless crisis with every corner of America.

From the tropical shores of Honolulu and Puerto Rico, to the badlands of Utah and backwaters of Louisiana, the Big Apple has sent local homeless families to 373 cities across the country with a full year of rent in their pockets as part of Mayor Bill de Blasio’s “Special One-Time Assistance Program.” Usually, the receiving city knows nothing about it.

City taxpayers have spent $89 million on rent alone since the program’s August 2017 inception to export 5,074 homeless families — 12,482 individuals — to places as close as Newark and as far as the South Pacific, according to Department of Homeless Services data obtained by The Post. Families who once lived in city shelters decamped to 32 states and Puerto Rico.