Strength through joy
Please back that statement up with some facts.They still seperated blacks and whites in a lot of states.
Please back that statement up with some facts.They still seperated blacks and whites in a lot of states.
A lot of the southern states had segregation laws until the late 50's and early 60's. Birmingham, AL fought integration all the way to the Supreme court, where it was finally ruled unconstitutional in 1963.Please back that statement up with some facts.
.".....get more facts, ask more questions....Don't decide by just soundbites. "
With that kind of advice, we'd be run over like what's happened in France and happening in the UK. I don't like the 'wait and see' attitude....not for me.
With that kind of advice, people would re-elect B.O. (God forbid)
Does anybody programed from the Right Wing Media realized we pull our combat troops out of Iraq also ?.
Gee, and here I was all along thinking Mexicans came to the US only after Obama !
Sorry , for being sooo wrong.
Does anyone on the left know that was because of Bush? All that talk about what Obama was gonna do and he did nothing but follow the plan and agreement that Bush had started. Talk about getting your facts. There are reasons you don't want the media talking about the Bush drawdown in Iraq.
Diesel you should face facts. If the economy has not improved and unemployment is still above 8% in 2012 all the crying you do about the right wing media won't keep Obama from being a one term president. It's always the economy.
I still bet Obama will be a 2 term.
Just not enough rednecks to be out the black and liberal population.
Wish I could take that bet. The problem for his side is that there is a very good chance that we will still feel like we are in a recession and that will spell doom at the polls. By that I mean an extended period of low to no economic growth. We are facing massive tax increases and new regulatory burdens and this will probably keep our economy from expanding at a brisk pace. He will have nobody to blame as he has enjoyed two years of very large majorities in both houses. So far his policies have been failures. Sure he has the opportunity to turn things around but I think the smart money would be against him.
So we are now going to recreate the entire middle east into present day US social decorum and law. This should be fun.TODAY man!!! We're talking about CURRENT behaviors. Get with the program. There used to be dinosaurs too.
Does anyone on the left know that was because of Bush? All that talk about what Obama was gonna do and he did nothing but follow the plan and agreement that Bush had started. Talk about getting your facts. There are reasons you don't want the media talking about the Bush drawdown in Iraq.
AV...Don't not make an ASS out of U and ME. Nowhere on that post was a mention of Bush or Obama taking credit for executing a Combat Troop drawdown in Iraq. Chill.. Now let's put your side's train of thought to the test. Righties says after 2 years " Stop blaming Bush excuses for running this Country into the ground, and for the slow recovery". Meanwhile, after 2 years, we pull Combat Troops out of Iraq, you want all the credit to go to Bush. You can't have it both ways AV8....
Diesel you should face facts. If the economy has not improved and unemployment is still above 8% in 2012 all the crying you do about the right wing media won't keep Obama from being a one term president. It's always the economy.
Wish I could take that bet. The problem for his side is that there is a very good chance that we will still feel like we are in a recession and that will spell doom at the polls. By that I mean an extended period of low to no economic growth. We are facing massive tax increases and new regulatory burdens and this will probably keep our economy from expanding at a brisk pace. He will have nobody to blame as he has enjoyed two years of very large majorities in both houses. So far his policies have been failures. Sure he has the opportunity to turn things around but I think the smart money would be against him.
So we are now going to recreate the entire middle east into present day US social decorum and law. This should be fun.
Actually there are fewer coming here since Obama mainly because his policies have wrecked our economy.
I still bet Obama will be a 2 term.
Actually there are fewer coming here since Obama mainly because his policies have wrecked our economy.
Does anybody programed from the Right Wing Media realized we pull our combat troops out of Iraq also ?
You think that would happen HERE, HERE, HERE? Are you serious? Which state will be the first to enact the law? If it's about here, then post a story about a stoning or mutilation carried out HERE, HERE, HERE, that the government allows under Freedom of Religion concerns.Are you blonde or's about not wanting the murdering of family members to be the common allowable practice where we live. I'm talking HERE, HERE, HERE. I don't care what they do in their sandbox!! I give up on you, it's like trying to nail jello to the wall!
AV...Don't not make an ASS out of U and ME. Nowhere on that post was a mention of Bush or Obama taking credit for executing a Combat Troop drawdown in Iraq. Chill.. Now let's put your side's train of thought to the test. Righties says after 2 years " Stop blaming Bush excuses for running this Country into the ground, and for the slow recovery". Meanwhile, after 2 years, we pull Combat Troops out of Iraq, you want all the credit to go to Bush. You can't have it both ways AV8....
I'm not entitiled to my own facts, and neither are you.... Here's a fair assessment....
Obama was dealtcards in a Texas poker hand and told to go "all in" with that hand when he was elected. I frankly do not give a damn about how bad the GOP perceives he is doing, I will probably vote for him again. Frankly, McCain would have had to have a "stimulus package", he would have bailed out the banks, he would have continued both wars and possibly started a third with Iran or North Korea, and everyone, anyone with any gray matter in their head at all should realize that the deficit with McCain, OR any other mainstream Republican candidate, would look just as bad now, JUST AS BAD, PERIOD, as it does under Obama. The two Bushes and for that matter Ronald Reagan PROVED that Republican presidents, and for that matter Republican congressmen, really don't care about the deficit. Now that the deficit is "owned" by the Democrats, it suddenly decides to become a serious national issue.
Who's " WE" ? Do you make more than a quarter million dollars/year ? It's a proven consences that extending the Bush Tax cuts will add to the deficit..... And by "WE", are you representing the majority of the American people ? Or just the small top percentage wage earners. Funny, when you hear high profile Republican politicians mention "The American People" that mainly represents factions of the American Right Wing. Who are they kidding. As far as his policies, they have kept us from the extreme scenario of another Great Depression, and have been generally nursing the US back to a slow recovery.....