lol...A dodge ? My bad, I wasn't aware that peticular posts had content worthy of you demanding a challenge except for a scary emotional threat of radical agendas and one term President.....He's my challenge rebuttle. I disagree.....NEXT....

I challenge you in volleyball....
Unlike yourself Lifer, It's in my nature to stick up for the little guy, the average Joe, the down on his luck, the disadvantaged, the under-privledged, the working man against bullies such as yourself so if that makes me the hater, so be it. The mere fact that I think for myself, decipher misinformation, rise against the Corperate machine, challenge this conservative dominated Current Events forum, I most certainly hope I'm amusing some of you. And at the same time getting thru to a few of you also by exposing more light on your Rt wing media narratives portraying fear, race baiting, sound bites, and black helicopters flying over head....
More is number one alright, the number one poster of all time.....I really think she's obsessed that Tieguy or Upstate might catch up...
The Mosque....Let's review...2009 both Laura Ingram and Glen Beck didn't have a worry about the Community Center being built at Park 51.( oh BTW Glen Beck hates 9/11 families) Anyway, Mass hysteria occurred a few months ago when a bunch of Rt Wing web sites then media outlets reported Mosque to be built right-on top of ground Zero. After many facts corrected by reliable sources from the preliminary reports, forget it, too late. People have become so fearful and brainwashed they ain't buying the facts. In fact a hate campaign and little flare ups against American Muslims has filtered out towards the rest of the Country. Lies about the Imam erupted, the same Imam work in the State Dept for GW Bush of all people. People so resentful and gullible their easily being seduced into believing Obama is a practising Muslim. Legitimate 9/11 familiy member survivors have a strong compelling argument. But for most of us, this Mosque won't make a damm bit of difference in our lives. we'll never see it, never walk by it, even put people to work. They're be a gym, pool, a Culinary School, Art Center etc, and praying rooms on the top floors. The NYC council and Manhattanites have voted in favor, the 1st amendment steadfastly supports it. Our troops die over that piece of paper known as the Constitution, and the vitrol hatred against innocent Muslims displayed here in this country, puts our troops and objectives in more danger overseas as well. And we both have sons in the Military lets be sensitive to our men and women serving now, and not generate any more hate by the actions we portray on this side of the pond.....