Well I did not assume anything I just offered my opinion as to why the media was not giving you more news on Iraq. It is hard for you guys to get past the fact that Obama did not do any of the things in Iraq that he promised during his campaign (immediate withdrawal, etc.). The fact happens to be that he only followed the security agreement that Bush had signed with Iraq while he was still president. Since you want an assumption I'll give you one. I think we will see Obama try to take credit for this phased drawdown of troops and then you will see your "right wing" media call him out on it.
From the early days of Barrack's presidential campaign he sought a reduction of U.S. troops in Iraq, and formulated a timetable for its implementation. Yes, the status of forces agreement between the U.S. and Iraq established a timetable and condition of withdrawal of U.S. troops from that besieged nation, but beyond its physical signing, let it be clear, George W. Bush was definitely not the architect of what occurred in Iraq last week.
A CBS News headline from July 21, 2008 read:
Obama, Maliki Agree On Iraq Withdrawal By 2010
The story went on to explain: Source CBS News;
Face to face with Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama
gained fresh support Monday
for the idea of pulling all U.S. combat forces out of the war zone by 2010. The Iraqi government did not endorse a fixed date, but indicated it hoped American combat units could be out of Iraq sometime in 2010. That timeframe falls within the 16-month withdrawal plan proposed by Obama.
If memory serves me correctly, Obama was widely criticized by many in the media and the Republican Party for daring to contemplate the pulling out of combat troops from Iraq, not just by 2010, but by any timetable. The media, as well as the Republicans, were put to shame when Nouri al-Maliki, as well as many in the international community agreed with the presidential candidate.
Once again, CBS News: After Obama's visit
"In Washington, the White House expressed displeasure with recent public comments by Iraqi leaders on the withdrawal question and suggested they might have the U.S. election on their minds."
There was never any doubt in my mind that you would vote for Obama again. The problem for you is that you do not elect the president. You are a zombie and just blindly follow what the dimocrats say. The people in the middle elect our president and they normally vote with the economy.
Despite what your predictable demeanor dictates to those who voted for Obama, the refusal of acknowledging the GOP's Party extreme Right Wing/Evangelical takeover prevents your Centralists/Moderates from nominating a winnable Canidate over Obama. Good luck with a Newt, Palin, or a Huckabee challenge.....And if you can't see the struggles between the Progressives and the Obama Administration's move too much towards the Center for watered down legislation compromise, then I suggest a re-examination by the eye doctor......
The we I was referring to would be anybody that received a tax cut under Bush which would be everyone that pays taxes. The we also refers to anyone who consumes health care services plus anyone who does not consume health care services. It also refers to anyone who receives dividends. (This massive tax increase he is proposing could crush investments.) It also refers to anyone who has capital gains. It will refer to anyone who pays state taxes as they will have to go up to pay for all these new federal mandates. I think you will be hard pressed to find someone who will not face an increased tax burden by the time this president is finished. Luckily for us it looks as if the Republicans will be able to block his energy tax but if they do not you could add anyone who consumes energy to the list of we.
There really is no debate the policies of this president are keeping our economy from recovery.
Fear people FEAR...So this is the end of our country as we know it. Going back towards the days of the Clinton years. My, goodness, the sky is falling and black helicopters are flying over your house. Everyone has a responsibility to pay their fair share of taxes....You want the wars, you want the hugh Military Ind Complex, tack on a spending bill to revive our country from depression, then there's a price tag to all this. Pay your taxes and stop whining, our Generation and the Boomer Generation need to pay for our mistakes, not pass it on to our kids/grandkids.....