Lue C Fur
Evil member
The "Underware Bomber" failed....but the Fort Hood A-hole didnt...
Wow lifer... while I was vacationing in Mexico... there was one American at the resort I chatted with.
A true Republican , by all means.
Hated Obama , too.
But one thing he told me he liked about Obama, is that he decided not to invest more money into Israel.
I don't know what bonds the repbulicans and Israel myself.
But the way that American told me in his own words was " Finally a president that doesn't bend down to Israel and doesn't support them no matter what." - Basically , friend off !
You tell me what your bond is with them, because, I sure don't know.
If you want to create peace down there, you can't hand over favours , money and support to one country, and ignore (screw), or even invade the others.
You rant about conservatives putting out misinformation in a post filled with misinformation. Laura Ingram did not say she supported the CC/with a Mosque inside at Park51. What she said was(paraphrased), she supported efforts to bring the various religions (including muslims) together in harmony. Not the same thing,.
Wow, Trp..your really splitting hairs. How desperate can you be to spin a conservative commentators remark and then ignore the eventual flip flop. Enjoy your man crush on Laura...... you might make Sarah jealous....
Glen Beck hates 911 families? source please.
It's been posted ALREADY, KEEP UP... we don't got all day to keep you up to speed....
What lies about Imam Rauf are you referring to? And what truths dispelled those lies? source please.
Trp, need to go back on this thread, and get up to speed....i'm not playing your game of catch up and repeat......hint...There was a John Stewart link that had a collage of lies and accusations of the NYC Imam. And commom sense dispells those lies.....
I would be willing to bet that most people that believe Obama to be a practicing muslim today, have believed it since he threw his hat in the presidential ring.
I will be willing to bet since Conservative talking heads hadn't put this issue to bed, then maybe they can scare these imbeciles for votes.....President who ? Barrack"HUSSIEN" Obama
The Constitution does NOT support the building of a mosque, it disallows the Federal gov from creating an official national religion. Granted the SCOTUS has interpreted the actual wording to a much broader meaning. In fact even in that broader reach of the 1st amendment the gov can not support the building of the mosque/CC.
Trp....You really grabbing for straws here....The Fed Gov't has done nothing but remind Americans, that all individuals are protected by 1st Amendment rights. From what orifice are you reaching into claiming the Fed Gov't is creating an official nat'l religion. If anybody is trying to establish a Nat'l Religion, it's these freak followers of the Glen Beck Evangelical, take back our Honor Rally or whatever it's called. And FYI, not only is the Constitutionality of the Mosque/Community Center a no-brainer for SCOTUS, but for any freshman law student.....
..."oh BTW Glen Beck hates 9/11 families)"....
This is partly correct.....Beck hates 9 or 10 of the 911 families or so he says......the same way I don't like some of the Katrina people.....the ones who could've left and didn't and then expected everybody else to risk their own lives to come get them. then wanted the gov't to take care of them.
We didn't hear anything from the iowa tornado or the Memphis floods....people picked themselves up and started working.
I'm not sure of Beck's reasons, but probably something like that.
More....our Gov't's intial reaction to the Katrina victims was a disgrace to our country. Which I know, you don't want to deal with because it happened on your hero's watch. Listening to conservatives use the 9/11 victims as a crutch against buildging the NYC Mosque. is another disgrace. Back in the Bush era, 9/11 victims were ridiculed when they dared spoke up and questioned 9/11 commisions and authorities when they wern't getting straight answers. Just because of who was in charge at the time, your side thought it was convenient to tell them to sit down and shut up.....
I remember Beck slamming some of the 9/11 families and i agreed with him. Reason was because some were out for money like welfare leaches. Many were turned down and found to had falsified records trying to get money...sad that even in death there is greed and scams...just like Katrina. Also the vid that our Liberal friend Deez posted has been doctored and if Deez looks hard enough he will find the actual audio clip that is not taken out of context and put in a Anti-Beck youtube vid...Typical left wing hate. I guess its politics as usual though.
ahhh...Lue (the most politically bias pic and video displayer of BC ) has the audacity to cry foul when his wittle feelings are hurt from and a anti-Glen Beck video....
Lue says .....9/11 victims=welfare leaches...where's the political cartoon for that one Lue ? And why don't you bring that sign to a mosque demonstration...
What a double standard...anyone who questioned the Bush Adm was labeled un-American or a welfare leach by Right Wingers. Now their propping up 9/11 victims as a crutch and showing up for Ribbon Cutting Ceremonies in Katrina Neighborhoods and other Stimulus projects...
Wkmac...That chart really puts the Islam-aphobia hysteria in perspective.
imbeciles for votes.....President who ? Barrack"HUSSIEN" Obama
Wkmac...That chart really puts the Islam-aphobia hysteria in perspective.
"It is hard to fight an enemy who has outposts in your head." ~ Sally Kempton
Splitting hairs? All I did was paraphrase Ingram's words (because I can't remember them exactly) and I said upfront it was parapharsed, no spin needed. BTW, the news clip I was referring to( taken from Ingram's interview with Rauf's wife I believe) was viewed on one of the liberal biased media. No flip flop on the issue either. Believing that an attempt to find a bit of harmony among differing religions is a good thing is not a flip flop from also believing that having a muslim mosque/CC within 600 feet of ground zero is not a sign of a healing gesture. Creating a good working relationship(harmony) between differing parties requires communication and compromises. Even someone as filled with hate as yourself should be able to see that,You rant about conservatives putting out misinformation in a post filled with misinformation. Laura Ingram did not say she supported the CC/with a Mosque inside at Park51. What she said was(paraphrased), she supported efforts to bring the various religions (including muslims) together in harmony. Not the same thing,.
Wow, Trp..your really splitting hairs. How desperate can you be to spin a conservative commentators remark and then ignore the eventual flip flop. Enjoy your man crush on Laura...... you might make Sarah jealous....
Yea boy, Jon Stewart, the liberal comedian looking for laughs at the cost of truth. Stewart twists what is said, edits clips cutting out the truth and adding other cuts from totally unrelated issues, and when that isn't funny enough to get that laugh, he down right lies. That's your version of common sense? hmmmm, let's see...twisting the truth and telling out right lies....yea I guess you would think that was common sense.Glen Beck hates 911 families? source please.
It's been posted ALREADY, KEEP UP... we don't got all day to keep you up to speed....
What lies about Imam Rauf are you referring to? And what truths dispelled those lies? source please.
Trp, need to go back on this thread, and get up to speed....i'm not playing your game of catch up and repeat......hint...There was a John Stewart link that had a collage of lies and accusations of the NYC Imam. And commom sense dispells those lies.....
Hmmmm, I really thought his middle name was Hussien, is it NOT?I would be willing to bet that most people that believe Obama to be a practicing muslim today, have believed it since he threw his hat in the presidential ring.
I will be willing to bet since Conservative talking heads hadn't put this issue to bed, then maybe they can scare these imbeciles for votes.....President who ? Barrack"HUSSIEN" Obama
In you post #299, you said" the 1st amendment steadfastly supports it." (the mosque/cc). you are the one grabbing for straws. The IS NOT what the 1st Amendment does. The 1st does not allow the feds to support ANY religion as an official state religion. It does not allow the feds to disallow the free practice of any religion. In the context of the Mosque/CC planned for Park51, the ONLY thing the 1st addresses on the matter is that the feds can have no official say so.The Constitution does NOT support the building of a mosque, it disallows the Federal gov from creating an official national religion. Granted the SCOTUS has interpreted the actual wording to a much broader meaning. In fact even in that broader reach of the 1st amendment the gov can not support the building of the mosque/CC.
Trp....You really grabbing for straws here....The Fed Gov't has done nothing but remind Americans, that all individuals are protected by 1st Amendment rights. From what orifice are you reaching into claiming the Fed Gov't is creating an official nat'l religion. If anybody is trying to establish a Nat'l Religion, it's these freak followers of the Glen Beck Evangelical, take back our Honor Rally or whatever it's called. And FYI, not only is the Constitutionality of the Mosque/Community Center a no-brainer for SCOTUS, but for any freshman law student.....
Splitting hairs? All I did was paraphrase Ingram's words (because I can't remember them exactly) and I said upfront it was parapharsed, no spin needed. BTW, the news clip I was referring to( taken from Ingram's interview with Rauf's wife I believe) was viewed on one of the liberal biased media. No flip flop on the issue either. Believing that an attempt to find a bit of harmony among differing religions is a good thing is not a flip flop from also believing that having a muslim mosque/CC within 600 feet of ground zero is not a sign of a healing gesture. Creating a good working relationship(harmony) between differing parties requires communication and compromises. Even someone as filled with hate as yourself should be able to see that, wouldn't know a flip-flop at a sandal convention in Key West.....Now your trying your usual tactic to flip-flop reality by accusing me of being a hater. Who's the one kicking and screaming at Muslims, Mexicans, and unemployed people. Who's the one remaining silent as your brethrens displays vitrol signage and hurling N-words at Senators and Congressman. The only way your side will find harmony, is by intenionally creating Obama's Waterloo....
Yea boy, Jon Stewart, the liberal comedian looking for laughs at the cost of truth. Stewart twists what is said, edits clips cutting out the truth and adding other cuts from totally unrelated issues, and when that isn't funny enough to get that laugh, he down right lies. That's your version of common sense? hmmmm, let's see...twisting the truth and telling out right lies....yea I guess you would think that was common sense.
BTW, I would feel more comfortable having a crush on Laura or Sarah than sharing your obvious love affair with Jon and Keith.
Yes...Breaking News TRP.. The Daily Show is more legitimate than your beloved Fox News. When Fox's sources like, Brietbart and Drudge make the news thru deciet instead of report the news, your credibility is left on the editor's floor.....And throw in Michele Bachman and enjoy your virtual threesome on the brain....
Hmmmm, I really thought his middle name was Hussien, is it NOT?
In you post #299, you said" the 1st amendment steadfastly supports it." (the mosque/cc). you are the one grabbing for straws. The IS NOT what the 1st Amendment does. The 1st does not allow the feds to support ANY religion as an official state religion. It does not allow the feds to disallow the free practice of any religion. In the context of the Mosque/CC planned for Park51, the ONLY thing the 1st addresses on the matter is that the feds can have no official say so.
your crude comment of " From what orifice are you reaching into claiming the Fed Gov't is creating an official nat'l religion." was uncalled for, but whatever floats your boat. Keeping with your lead I will say that you must have pulled this one from your own rectal sphincter. I never said nor implied the feds were trying to create a national religion, just that the 1st Amendment does not support the mosque/CC.
If you are gonna try to twist my words, you're gonna have to try harder.
Allow me to split hair as you do, I said orifice, you said rectal sphincter. The human body has approx 10 external orifices. You assume, as usually, which one I was referring to....So who's the crude one ?.... The 1st allows the Fed's to enact judical enforcement upon an indivdual/group excluded from equal treatment to freely practise religion.
Argue all you want, N.Y. mosque/CC project on firm legal ground...Nuff said
ahhh...Lue (the most politically bias pic and video displayer of BC )[/B]
Thanks...i have so much more...just been so busy i could not post that much. Obama and you lefties make it so easyhas the audacity to cry foul when his wittle feelings are hurt from and a anti-Glen Beck video....
No hurt feelings here...i expect it from a left wing Obama leg humper like you to post garbage and out right lies.
Lue says .....9/11 victims=welfare leaches...where's the political cartoon for that one Lue ? And why don't you bring that sign to a mosque demonstration...
I wish i was at near the Mosque sight...unlike you who hides under Nancys skirt i would be out protesting it along with the other patriots.
What a double standard...anyone who questioned the Bush Adm was labeled un-American or a welfare leach by Right Wingers. Now their propping up 9/11 victims as a crutch and showing up for Ribbon Cutting Ceremonies in Katrina Neighborhoods and other Stimulus projects...
You really should get some help for the anger issues you have. Be careful...your gonna have a stroke. LMAO!!!!![]()
fermented by the TEA-bagger mentality.
Please do post pictures. Point of intrigue. Call it a curiosity, like visiting "", or something of that nature.What do your sexual preferences have to do with anything? I have not heard anyone try to stop you from getting tea bagged. That is really your own business and I say if you enjoy it have at it I would just prefer to not hear about it.
What do your sexual preferences have to do with anything? I have not heard anyone try to stop you from getting tea bagged. That is really your own business and I say if you enjoy it have at it I would just prefer to not hear about it.
".......The term Tea-Bagger is a term of endearment ........."
That term is obnoxious and only people like Jeanine Garafalo use it. It's disgusting and the mods have eliminated posts with that term in them before. Stop using it !!......the correct term is Tea for me, the correct term is Republican!!
And Republican's don't even have sex while they are standing up ... someone might think they are dancing.