Bush worst president ever?


Well-Known Member
Unalienable Rights:

Civil Rights:

What the master can giveth, the master can take away. If LBJ was so good, then why did he still give the African American inferior rights?

He should have fought to correct a long standing wrong and re-enforced that "all men are created equal and have unalienable rights". So much for the myth of leaving the plantation!
Are you saying, this Act was unncessary? That all individuals had equall rights thus making this law redundant? This is like saying that UPS, would still treat all employees fairly without Union representation. This was the only way to enforce this fundamental principle.


Für Meno :)
From a worlwide perspective Bush will go down in the top 3 worst presidents. No doubt about that.

What did he do for the world ?
Carter tried hard with the Middle East, was looking good, but didn't succeed.
He;s still welcome, and has a Charity.

Clinton, only mess he made, was in his marriage, but also is welcomed.

JFK, wow. "I'm a Berliner" in Berlin. So beloved, germans were acting as if they were at a Beatles Concert !

Bush, in the other hand, no matter where he went, huge demostrations, even in Canada (which I didn't like), because thats not normally how Canadains act.

He fooled half the world with mass destruction in Iraq.
Got some to join in. Like Italy, Australia, England, and several others.
Wasn't it like 12-15 countries at first ?
But, after a few weeks, they realized, it was wrong, and went home, and felt fooled.

Name me just one spot in 1 single country, where Bush will be remembered as doing something good .
I can't think of one.

I think he sent more hatrage out, then anything else.

Obama, he will go into history like Lech Walesa .
Meaning he'll do the country very well, to his best, but won't be able to please americans, as they have been spoiled for thier lifetime.
And his word "Change" will go into the history books.
Because , all of America will need to change. And, it won't be easy, nor liked. But, it had to be done.

We will need to wait, what the endproduct of a new USA will be, and the concequences of it.
Personally, I think he's the best man to do it. But, I have been wrong before.


Well-Known Member
From a worlwide perspective Bush will go down in the top 3 worst presidents. No doubt about that.

What did he do for the world ?
Carter tried hard with the Middle East, was looking good, but didn't succeed.
He;s still welcome, and has a Charity.

Clinton, only mess he made, was in his marriage, but also is welcomed.

JFK, wow. "I'm a Berliner" in Berlin. So beloved, germans were acting as if they were at a Beatles Concert !

Bush, in the other hand, no matter where he went, huge demostrations, even in Canada (which I didn't like), because thats not normally how Canadains act.

He fooled half the world with mass destruction in Iraq.
Got some to join in. Like Italy, Australia, England, and several others.
Wasn't it like 12-15 countries at first ?
But, after a few weeks, they realized, it was wrong, and went home, and felt fooled.

Name me just one spot in 1 single country, where Bush will be remembered as doing something good .
I can't think of one.

I think he sent more hatrage out, then anything else.

Obama, he will go into history like Lech Walesa .
Meaning he'll do the country very well, to his best, but won't be able to please americans, as they have been spoiled for thier lifetime.
And his word "Change" will go into the history books.
Because , all of America will need to change. And, it won't be easy, nor liked. But, it had to be done.

We will need to wait, what the endproduct of a new USA will be, and the concequences of it.
Personally, I think he's the best man to do it. But, I have been wrong before.
This coumtry is changing for the better but you still have a lot of brain washed fools that will go to there graves believing that Bush who they voted for twice was a good president.


Well-Known Member
Are you saying, this Act was unncessary? That all individuals had equall rights thus making this law redundant? This is like saying that UPS, would still treat all employees fairly without Union representation. This was the only way to enforce this fundamental principle.

Why didn't LBJ and the bunch go back to the very beginning and correct the legal language from the foundation that placed these folks into such a political, social and economic dis-advantage. If "all men" are created equal and have unalienable rights, then let's say so and put that belief in stone!

But then, if any individual (or racial group if you will) has rights (unalienable) beyond any other man or his created entities, how then can a politicial entity or any other man created entity or group use, twist, manipulate or otherwise for their own self serving purposes then use so-called rights for their own ends?

If an individual man can't enslave a person to pick his cotton, or a group of men from one racial group can't enslave another man or group of men from a racial group to pick cotton, then how can those same men who have no right in themselves to do so, by magic of political manipulation have the power to enter a voting booth and via the alchemy of democracy vote as a group to ordain one man or another group of men to then turn around and in effect make another man or group of men pick cotton for them that would via wealth transfer be made to benefit those that voted in the plantation masters?

BTW UPS: Read the last paragraph in the post to which you responded too which starts with the words "He should have". IMO I don't think I could be any clearer in what LBJ should have done.


During LBJ's tenure, Congress passed one of the greates pieces of legislation, The Civil Rights Act of 1964. A very significant moment in our history.

congress should get their kudo's. LBJ on the other hand escalated our prescence in vietnam. He then micromanaged our military leaders. His policies helped us lose 50,000 lives in vietnam. In fact he makes Bush look like a minor leaguer but yet has never gotten half the angst that gW got.


From a worlwide perspective Bush will go down in the top 3 worst presidents. No doubt about that.

I don't think he'll crack the bottom ten. Keep in mind that you're comparing him to all presidents. The fact he was reelected to a second term keeps him out of the bottom rankings. You take all your single term presidents and compare them. they are the ones that will be on the bottom.

What continues to amaze me is how Bush gets all the blame for what happened here the last two years as if congress took the last two years off. Which they basically did. Does anyone remember gas prices going through the roof in 2008 and congress adjourning and refusing to address the issue before they adjourned? What better way for them to help Obama get elected then to let fuel prices run amok.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Well, it looks like the BEST president in history just demonstrated what a good leader (former) can do.

President Clinton arrived in No Korea and met with Kim j. Il to discuss the release of the two reporters who were convicted on spying.

Seems as though if BUSH was to go there, he wouldnt make it out alive!

One can only wish.


Well-Known Member
I don't think he'll crack the bottom ten. Keep in mind that you're comparing him to all presidents. The fact he was reelected to a second term keeps him out of the bottom rankings. You take all your single term presidents and compare them. they are the ones that will be on the bottom.

What continues to amaze me is how Bush gets all the blame for what happened here the last two years as if congress took the last two years off. Which they basically did. Does anyone remember gas prices going through the roof in 2008 and congress adjourning and refusing to address the issue before they adjourned? What better way for them to help Obama get elected then to let fuel prices run amok.
Just because the congress had a small majority doesn't mean anything. Bush and his majority congress had there run of the mill for way too long and set the course for destruction. It took a few years for the bubble to burst but it did far larger than anybody has seen since the great depression. ALL BUSH'S FAULT.


Für Meno :)
I don't think he'll crack the bottom ten. Keep in mind that you're comparing him to all presidents. The fact he was reelected to a second term keeps him out of the bottom rankings. You take all your single term presidents and compare them. they are the ones that will be on the bottom.

I did say from the world perspective.
It's hard to remember a short 4 term president.
But the world remembers the longer ones.
(i.E Margaret Thatcher, Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Helmut Kohl (maybe),
Mitterrand (maybe). )

Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, JFK, all fall into memory ofcourse, but for the good. (in our generation).
Nixon, he blew it. (but the 70's were the good , prosper years).

And, I think the previous poster is right. Even as an ex president, Bush won't be welcomed in almost every country.
They would still demo like hell if he showed up somewhere outside the states.


Well-Known Member
I did say from the world perspective.
It's hard to remember a short 4 term president.
But the world remembers the longer ones.
(i.E Margaret Thatcher, Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Helmut Kohl (maybe),
Mitterrand (maybe). )

Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, JFK, all fall into memory ofcourse, but for the good. (in our generation).
Nixon, he blew it. (but the 70's were the good , prosper years).

And, I think the previous poster is right. Even as an ex president, Bush won't be welcomed in almost every country.
They would still demo like hell if he showed up somewhere outside the states.
Try outside of Texas.


Big Time Feeder Driver
I think it's safe to say that he will be considered the worst President since Coolidge...

Coolidge? During Coolidge's presidency the U.S. experienced fantastic prosperity! Ever hear of the "Roaring Twenties"?

The Great Depression was not caused by Coolidge's policies or the Smoot-Hawley Tariff.

The Great Depression was caused mainly by The Federal Reserve's monetary policy. Much has been made on these forums of the Fed's role in helping to destroy this country so I will not go into a polemic here. Research it yourself.

As for Smoot-Hawley: this legislation was passed after the market crashed. Now, it could be argued that it's implementation exacerbated the depression.

I would argue that it was because of protectionism that we had the home grown industries that gave us the manufacturing prowess to defeat our enemies in WWII.

I would furthur argue that it was the rejection of "protectionism" after WWII that has lead to our current economic malaise.

One wonders what we would do today if China suddenly became our mortal enemy. I guess they would sell us everything we would need to defeat them.


I did say from the world perspective.
It's hard to remember a short 4 term president.
But the world remembers the longer ones.
(i.E Margaret Thatcher, Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Helmut Kohl (maybe),
Mitterrand (maybe). )

Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, JFK, all fall into memory ofcourse, but for the good. (in our generation).
Nixon, he blew it. (but the 70's were the good , prosper years).


70's were not the good years in the us. Oil shortages and 21 percent interest rates come to mind. A highly ineffective jimmy carter finished out the decade. Carter is easily the worst in my time, LBJ the second worst.

For some reason LBJ and his contributions towards getting 50,000 of our kids killed in vietnam was not enough to get him the same scorn?

go figure.



Even Drudge had headlines this week on how the economy tanked under Bush much worse that was revealed at the time.

I don't think you can legitimately say he was re-elected, when he stole FL the first time, was anointed by Papa's SCOTUS, and stole OH the second time.

Are we delusional now? Bush had a greater overall popular vote in 2004 when adjusted for the growth of the voting population then Obama had in his so called landslide. Keep denying.


Well-Known Member
Coolidge? During Coolidge's presidency the U.S. experienced fantastic prosperity! Ever hear of the "Roaring Twenties"?

The Great Depression was not caused by Coolidge's policies or the Smoot-Hawley Tariff.

The Great Depression was caused mainly by The Federal Reserve's monetary policy. Much has been made on these forums of the Fed's role in helping to destroy this country so I will not go into a polemic here. Research it yourself.

As for Smoot-Hawley: this legislation was passed after the market crashed. Now, it could be argued that it's implementation exacerbated the depression.

I would argue that it was because of protectionism that we had the home grown industries that gave us the manufacturing prowess to defeat our enemies in WWII.

I would furthur argue that it was the rejection of "protectionism" after WWII that has lead to our current economic malaise.

One wonders what we would do today if China suddenly became our mortal enemy. I guess they would sell us everything we would need to defeat them.

Since you brought up Coolidge and the roaring 20's, you might consider Tom Wood's presentation on the "Depression of 1920'.

Considering that Wilson (because of heath) and then Harding didn't do in response to this economic malady, it seems a certain Sec. of Commerce under Harding would come to later have opportunity to do himself what he failed as Sec. of Commerce to get Harding to do as the economic answer.

The money supply in the United States leveled off by the end of 1928, and remained more or less constant from then on. This ending of the massive credit expansion boom made a recession inevitable, and sure enough, the American economy began to turn down in July 1929. Feverish attempts to keep the stock market boom going, however, managed to boost stock prices while the economic fundamentals were turning sour, leading to the famous stock market crash of October 24.

This crash was an event for which Herbert Hoover was ready. For a decade, Herbert Hoover had urged that the United States break its age-old policy of not intervening in cyclical recessions. During the postwar 1920-1921 recession, Hoover, as secretary of commerce, had unsuccessfully urged President Harding to intervene massively in the recession, to "do something" to cure the depression, in particular to expand credit and to engage in a massive public-works program. Although the United States got out of the recession on its own, without massive intervention, Hoover vowed that next time it would be different. In late 1928, after he was elected president, Hoover presented a public works scheme, the "Hoover Plan" for "permanent prosperity...

... When the stock market crash came in October 1929, therefore, President Hoover was ready for massive intervention to attempt to raise wage rates, expand credit, and embark on public works.

... The major opponent of this new statist dogma was Secretary o the Treasury Mellon, who, though one of the leaders in pushing the boom, now at least saw the importance of liquidating the malinvestments, inflated costs, prices, and wage rates of the inflationary boom. Mellon, indeed, correctly cited the successful application of such a laissez-faire policy in previous recessions and crises. But Hoover overrode Mellon, with the support of Treasury Undersecretary Ogden Mills.

If Hoover stood ready to impose an expansionist and interventionist New Deal, Morgan man George L. Harrison, head of the New York Fed and major power in the Federal Reserve, was all the more ready to inflate. During the week of the crash, the last week of October, the Fed doubled its holdings of government securities, adding $150 million to bank reserves, as well as discounting $200 million more for member banks. The idea was to prevent liquidation of the bloated stock market, and to permit the New York City banks to take over the loans to stockbrokers that the nonbank lenders were liquidating. As a result, member banks of the Federal Reserve expanded their deposits by $1.8 billion-a phenomenal monetary expansion of nearly 10 percent in one week! Of this increase, $1.6 billion were increased deposits of the New York City banks. In addition, Harrison drove down interest rates, lowering its discount rates to banks from 6 percent to 4.5 percent in a few weeks...

... By mid-November, the great stock break was over, and the market, artificially buoyed and stimulated by expanding credit, began to move upward again.

A History of Money and Banking

BTW: Does any of this above sound at all familar? If it does and therefore from history we know what happens then can we assume that our own current situation will..........

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Carter considered a good President? Clinton considered the best President ever? You've got to be kidding me! Are some of you insane or what? I guess that is the path we are headed down in this country. Moral decay at its best. Just like the Romans.


Carter considered a good President? Clinton considered the best President ever? You've got to be kidding me! Are some of you insane or what? I guess that is the path we are headed down in this country. Moral decay at its best. Just like the Romans.

It appears our friend thinks presidents who ruin the country or flash their genitals and sexually harrass employees are good presidents.


Strength through joy
Well, it looks like the BEST president in history just demonstrated what a good leader (former) can do.

President Clinton arrived in No Korea and met with Kim j. Il to discuss the release of the two reporters who were convicted on spying.


Two sex perverts making a deal....h'mmm I wonder what it was ?
Can we expect to see Hillary spending a night with Kim ?
( I think not, Kim gets 2 planes a week coming directly from Sweden )


Staff member
Carter considered a good President? Clinton considered the best President ever? You've got to be kidding me! Are some of you insane or what? I guess that is the path we are headed down in this country. Moral decay at its best. Just like the Romans.
They say that internet porn is the biggest use for the internet. Think all that moral decay is only with the "godless lefties"?