War protesters come in all shapes and sizes with different points of views and opinions. It doesn't make them un-American or troop haters. Lumping protesters into one category and characterize them as Ted Turners and Hanoi Jane's of the world is SAD.
BTW...Oliver Stone just didn't talk Vietnam, he lived it. He was also born and raised into an affluent conservative family. But since Stone's adulterous Father divorced his Mom at 15, he wasn't around to prevent his son from the draft like many other affluent conservative parents.
Can you explain why our Christian/Secular Armies are on their lands to begin with ?
Can you understand why (R)Ron Paul told the Republicans on National TV that his party was hijacked by Neo-Cons?
Does it offend you when people say blowback is a direct result of conducting interventionist policies around the world ?
Do you really think our weakness or our freedoms offends our self made enemies?
At the risk of being called a liberal "AGAIN"

, several nice comments there Dezzy. And even without the Ron Paul point!
Don't know if you saw
this or not but I just shake my head in disgust. I look back at the Vietnam era since those were my "coming of age" years and then the Watergate thing but I can't help but think of the music of the times. When Sabbath hit the scene with songs like War Pigs, Electric Funeral, Children of the Grave it opened a door but sadly so many of us closed as the years went by.
The Vietnam war protesters at least on the war itself were correct. McNamara admitted the pretext to War in the Gulf of Tonkin was a lie and LBJ as a result of released documents now made public also knew of the lie. I don't say this to infer fault along party lines so don't get ya "blue hairs" up but just to state a historical fact in defending the Vietnam war protesters for having a just cause.
As to Ike's domino theory, it just never panned out. Not long after Vietnam unified under Ho Chi Minh, the Chinese invaded and took possession of the Paracel Islands from Vietnam which even today are under dispute. As to the Soviet Union playing a factor in Indochina, truth is, they were only there because we were as a result of the ever continuing of the infamous "
Great Game" and the
newer version. Ho and the early
Viet Minh were purely nationalists and not in and of themselves communist. That came later.
Vietnam today is a growing global business nation and oddly enough is such because it feels it's independence and national soveignty secure among the nation of the earth. Funny how people can act free and open when they feel no one is out to harm them. Imagine that!
I wonder what Castro would have done had we never plotted to kill him or Chavez had we never gone and monkeyed in his nations affairs? I wonder what our relationship with Iran would be had we not help to overthrow Mossadegh who had made the mistake of nationalizing Iranian oil after it was learned of one sided deal the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company was doing and especially when Iran learned that Aramco (Saudi State owned Oil Company) had a 50/50 deal with the British oil interests which when Iran proposed the same, AICO turned em' down flat. Why is it that when capitalism closes out a free market and creates a monopoly, we cry foul with the consequences of those chickens come home to roost?
When one considers the lengths that FDR went to in trying to prevent Japan for accessing known oil reseves in the region at the time, one has to question Vietnam and the surrounding war theater as one looks at the area and the
South China Sea. Even the Department of Energy has
data on the subject area. Even the
CIA observed the obvious in relation to the Paracel Islands (click on the Introduction button) at it relates again to energy.
WW1, secure the Middle East oil fields from the Ottoman empire, WW2 stop Japan and Germany from expanding, while containing Russian imperial re-emergence post Czar monarchy. Indochina Wars era, keeping region's oil potential and trade routes open for Anglo-American business interests, Gulf War 1, pretext for permenant Anglo-American military presence into the region to fight growing nationalism, 1990's NATO/Balkans intervention to maintain open Caspian Basin pipeline routes via the Black Sea, Iraq 2, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran further solidify potential pipeline routes from Caspian basin while limiting oil competition in the oil market for our Saudi friends and boosting prices and profits for all concerned.
The 21st Century Great Game.
Yep, I think that about sums it up once you start digging and putting the pieces together!
C Ya Dezzy!