By Invitation Only


Something ours would do. He was a terrible ORS, he was a :censored2:ty interim manager, but he wasn't bad enough they could fire him. THAT is the problem with these safety people. Most of them are the screw ups who have never said the word safety until they were put in the position.

Not to mention with our preloaders as soon as a vehicle crossed the bump 75% of the load would be on the ground.

Around here they "loan" the screwup sups and managers to United Way

It's common knowledge if you end up there your one step from the door

I've seen several never return from their United way stint

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus

Good morning, Everyone.


Victory Ride
Holy :censored2: that was like the most Monday Monday ever.
I have a lot of judgement calls on Mondays ...added Pickups and buisness stops .... a lot of timing guesses ...when 2 go certain places .... a couple Pickup stops where I just make a sweep but don't close them out ...but don't want 2 fill up 2 much ...cause I don't know what kind of volume the other pickup stops will be sending out that day ...