By Invitation Only

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
We were really light today so they cut routes like crazy and tried to send everything down so fast I was splitting the belt and loading two trucks and there were mountains outside them. When I reach mountain status I slow way down. Safety first right?

I'm one of the faster people, hate stacking, and rarely have much other than bulk irreg stuff sitting out for what it's worth.

I've never met such idiots in my life at any job I've worked. It's all about their numbers and absolutely nothing else.
Gotta keep the shareholders happy.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
They pushed our start time back 15 minutes last week. We didn't leave til 9:50 today, thousands of ground packages and airs they will "future" somehow. And they keep saying it has something to do with Louisville. I'm like it's all grounds, wtf are you talking about?
I hope guys had late air?

Also, tell customers to request a refund!


Never bought my own handtruck

You ain't at the top any more than I am. Nice try.


Resident Suit
Ha ha. Numbers come first.
You don't think late air is one of those numbers?

That's one thing I don't get about the late and missed complaints on here. You don't think we get ripped for that as much as we do production? That is as much a production number as pieces per hour.