By Invitation Only

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
How could they not?

Frigid, as an ORS, what would be your thoughts if speed bumps were installed immediately inside and outside bay doors that drivers go through? Mind you, it's mandatory to stop and honk before entering or exiting the building.


Resident Suit
No code 5 allowed here.

The problem is communication. We see the preload screwing up day after day, and we drivers hear nothing from management. Pick up compliance they yell about, even though we are getting out later and later...
We don't do it often, but if we can't justify a full route and don't want to bone everyone else in the loop we will do it. I personally like them because it lowers the paid day for the other guys and if a guy really wants to make a stink about it and demands his 8 (which has happened exactly one time), I use him to make service on misloads or cover pickup heavy guys.


Resident Suit
No code 5 allowed here.

The problem is communication. We see the preload screwing up day after day, and we drivers hear nothing from management. Pick up compliance they yell about, even though we are getting out later and later...
Also why do we have to explain preload's issues with you? I get preload screws up, it's been my project the last few months. The staffing is a revolving door. I've seen improvements as we work with PT sups on not being such jackasses. But it's still a low paying job. And before you say maybe they should pay them more, I literally have less influence on that than you do. You get to vote on the contract. But I guarantee on the next contract you FT guys sail the PTers down the river just like the last 5.

And saying preload late wrap affects your pickup compliance is like saying the Yankees losing is going to screw the Jets in November.


Resident Suit
I think our district safety guy had them installed. Don't know if it was his idea or from up above.
Something ours would do. He was a terrible ORS, he was a :censored2:ty interim manager, but he wasn't bad enough they could fire him. THAT is the problem with these safety people. Most of them are the screw ups who have never said the word safety until they were put in the position.

Not to mention with our preloaders as soon as a vehicle crossed the bump 75% of the load would be on the ground.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Something ours would do. He was a terrible ORS, he was a :censored2:ty interim manager, but he wasn't bad enough they could fire him. THAT is the problem with these safety people. Most of them are the screw ups who have never said the word safety until they were put in the position.

Not to mention with our preloaders as soon as a vehicle crossed the bump 75% of the load would be on the ground.
Lol. I didn't even think of the loads.


Never bought my own handtruck
Also why do we have to explain preload's issues with you? I get preload screws up, it's been my project the last few months. The staffing is a revolving door. I've seen improvements as we work with PT sups on not being such jackasses. But it's still a low paying job. And before you say maybe they should pay them more, I literally have less influence on that than you do. You get to vote on the contract. But I guarantee on the next contract you FT guys sail the PTers down the river just like the last 5.

And saying preload late wrap affects your pickup compliance is like saying the Yankees losing is going to screw the Jets in November.

Believe it or not, some of us care about the company. Kinda be foolish to be totally oblivious don't you think?


Resident Suit
Believe it or not, some of us care about the company. Kinda be foolish to be totally oblivious don't you think?
And nobody is suggesting you don't. But there is nothing to explain that you can fix. We are are far past the limits of many buildings and because upper management and IE thinks it's possible we keep getting more and more trailers. They won't listen to me. They won't listen to my manager. They aren't going to listen to you. That's what's wrong. The revolving door of staffing isn't helping either.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Also why do we have to explain preload's issues with you? I get preload screws up, it's been my project the last few months. The staffing is a revolving door. I've seen improvements as we work with PT sups on not being such jackasses. But it's still a low paying job. And before you say maybe they should pay them more, I literally have less influence on that than you do. You get to vote on the contract. But I guarantee on the next contract you FT guys sail the PTers down the river just like the last 5.

And saying preload late wrap affects your pickup compliance is like saying the Yankees losing is going to screw the Jets in November.

Also why do we have to explain preload's issues with you? I get preload screws up, it's been my project the last few months. The staffing is a revolving door. I've seen improvements as we work with PT sups on not being such jackasses. But it's still a low paying job. And before you say maybe they should pay them more, I literally have less influence on that than you do. You get to vote on the contract. But I guarantee on the next contract you FT guys sail the PTers down the river just like the last 5.

And saying preload late wrap affects your pickup compliance is like saying the Yankees losing is going to screw the Jets in November.
You crazy! Start late and you have less room for pickups. So, to make room, you have to push getting to pickups later.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
And nobody is suggesting you don't. But there is nothing to explain that you can fix. We are are far past the limits of many buildings and because upper management and IE thinks it's possible we keep getting more and more trailers. They won't listen to me. They won't listen to my manager. They aren't going to listen to you. That's what's wrong. The revolving door of staffing isn't helping either.
If my boss told me that, I would shut up. They say nothing, which to us seems like they don't care.


Staff member
You don't think late air is one of those numbers?

That's one thing I don't get about the late and missed complaints on here. You don't think we get ripped for that as much as we do production? That is as much a production number as pieces per hour.

Correct me if I'm wrong. When we used to get late air, nobody cared about commitment times. Even when air was on time, was heavy, and some got shuffled to air drivers, a certain number of late were expected.

How many late airs is a center allowed per day?