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nowhere special

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
For the most part Californians don't have problems with other Californians. It's everyone else that hates California. It's understandable most people from out of state hate how good we have it here.
I'm not talking about Californians per se, but the amount of people.

Oh yeah, then there are the crazy liberal ideas that drive people crazy. ;)

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Well that aspect is the same everywhere.There are crazy conservatives here as well.

But they have no real say there.

I agree there are crazy conservatives everywhere but there are way more normal conservatives and as BS said, they have no real say there. My sister ran into a lot of problems in Cali for voicing her conservative opinion on things. Some people thought she was crazy because she protested the LGBTGETC club at her son's school having their weekly meeting at a gay bar. Wut??? Who allows any high school club to have meetings at a bar, period?


Well-Known Member
I agree there are crazy conservatives everywhere but there are way more normal conservatives and as BS said, they have no real say there. My sister ran into a lot of problems in Cali for voicing her conservative opinion on things. Some people thought she was crazy because she protested the LGBTGETC club at her son's school having their weekly meeting at a gay bar. Wut??? Who allows any high school club to have meetings at a bar, period?
I would think that would be up to the parents and not the school.


Well-Known Member
Not if it's a school sponsored activity.
I don't think that's a school-sponsored activity. I'm not sure what you think constitutes a bar. There are lots of establishments that serve alcohol and food that are not considered a bar. There are also laws prohibiting minors from entering bars at night.