By Invitation Only


Resident Suit


nowhere special
With a load like that it was very likely they would have checked her receipt as she walked out. She might have gotten away with it if she didn't get stupidly greedy.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
With a load like that it was very likely they would have checked her receipt as she walked out. She might have gotten away with it if she didn't get stupidly greedy.
People like that are the ones who make shopping such a PITA for the rest of us, as we have to wait for someone to come unlock a cabinet.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Now Jeffrey Tambor is accused of sexual harassment. What the hell is going on in this country?
He adamantly denies it. You have to wonder how many of these claims of harassment actually are harassment, or just overly sensitive women. Obviously there is real harassment and sexual assault going on every day. Not denying that.


Resident Suit
He adamantly denies it. You have to wonder how many of these claims of harassment actually are harassment, or just overly sensitive women. Obviously there is real harassment and sexual assault going on every day. Not denying that.
I just don’t know what to believe anymore. Especially with how many have rightly been accused. It’s just sickening.


nowhere special
He adamantly denies it. You have to wonder how many of these claims of harassment actually are harassment, or just overly sensitive women. Obviously there is real harassment and sexual assault going on every day. Not denying that.

When suddenly they all start jumping on the bandwagon and start accusing people of things that supposedly happened many years ago you have to wonder whether they are all true or some are just an attempt to generate some publicity for themselves.


Resident Suit
No secret it happened and probably most of Hollywood knew but kept it all as quiet as possible.
That’s what pisses me off. Like how was it decided that this is okay?

Then you have these fake SJW who look like a bunch of schmucks now. Oh really? You didn’t know that this was happening constantly? Okay...