By Invitation Only


Resident Suit
I'm saying I'm willing to bet his stops are closer together than your area, and like he said about the apartments, there is an element of truth in that. Even within a building there are loops where everything is tight. We have one loop in the west side of our city where 200 stops will get an 9.1 paid day. Not planned, paid. But on the east side a 200 stop car will get you a 12.7 paid with missed business.

What The Hawk?

Let’s put you out there with an easy day of say 150 stops and see how ya do
I know I'll be frustrated as hell when I do go driving. But this chick has been a driver for 10 years AND this route is a trainee route. Last peak it had 150 packages a day.

What The Hawk?

So you think a woman peeing on the side of the road is a classier option? Desperate times call for desperate measures. Better to have and not need it than to need it and not have it.
I'd rather buy one of those coolers and go in that, then dump it in the ladies room when I get back. lol

What The Hawk?

I just hope I don't load another bleeding package (human blood). And the sup had the audacity to say it wasn't a hazmat.


Resident Suit
I know I'll be frustrated as hell when I do go driving. But this chick has been a driver for 10 years AND this route is a trainee route. Last peak it had 150 packages a day.
Doesn't make it easy. We had a route in my old building that went out with about 50 stops and maybe 100 pieces. That was a bastard of a route come peak. Dark by 430, dogs everywhere, dirt roads. Those 50 stops would be a 10 hour day.

It's tough to compare routes apples to apples. There is always something about a route that make it different from the next. Could be bulk, could be miles, could be a nutso PU trace.