By Invitation Only


Retired 23 years
The Detroit News, started when I was eleven, until eighteen. Mr Galaney was the manager. I helped my brother before that, wasn't old enough to officially have my own route.
I only had a paper route in 4th and 5th grade. Then I worked on a mink ranch. (When I was 18 I had a car and the only thing I was delivering was my love to the sweet young things).
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nowhere special
How cold?

I did a polar bear plunge in the teens

They noted that the forecast calls for a high of around 20 degrees on Monday while water temperature likely will be in the mid-40s.

City officials agreed the event should be postponed, saying they would rather "err on the side of safety."

Hardly cold at all.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
They noted that the forecast calls for a high of around 20 degrees on Monday while water temperature likely will be in the mid-40s.

City officials agreed the event should be postponed, saying they would rather "err on the side of safety."

Hardly cold at all.
Yeah I mean it miserable but they had to break up 4 plus inches of ice so we could jump in.


Well-Known Member
You guys have heavy duty snow plows like this:
View attachment 172617
I’ve never seen such a thing here.

We don't have those here either; however, what they will do is stagger snow plows to cover each lane of the interstates, with the plow in the passing lane the furthest ahead while the plow in the travel lane is the furthest behind, allowing the snow to be funneled to the breakdown lane.