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Victory Ride
Yes like I said you do the best you can but you can't drive yourself nuts over it.

I mean every guy my daughter ever dated could be a sexual predator. That doesn't mean I lock her in her room til she moves out.
Sick :censored2:in world out there my friend ... we can do all we want as parents ... doesn’t matter


nowhere special


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Yep. It’s like that with soccer here. My daughter has always been a really good goalie. She has been on her school soccer teams for years. Next high school over probably would have never even considered her because the coaches only choose kids who were on travel teams. It’s not right.
Sorry I fell asleep after the word soccer


Retired 23 years
And gymnastics is probably about the worst of them all.

These parents and kids need to decide if they are all in by 12/13

I have a granddaughter who has been in gymnastics since she was 4 or 5. She is now 8 and trains 3 hours a day / 5 days a week at a gym. Personally I think its too much but I'm only the grandpa. The kid loves it. Even around the house she can't take 5 steps without doing a cart-wheel or a back flip. Her twin sister has the same drive---only she's into piano. She's on the piano all the time. Now the grandson - he is normal. He's 10 and sits on the couch playing video games.