By Invitation Only

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
What were they to do?
My youngest was very busy at that age. Before we flew I used to go to the dollar store and buy multiple “gifts” and wrap them. Every hour she got to open one if she behaved. Also, I brought plenty of snacks. I knew how to keep her occupied and distracted. The key is to make it a fun experience.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
My youngest was very busy at that age. Before we flew I used to go to the dollar store and buy multiple “gifts” and wrap them. Every hour she got to open one if she behaved. Also, I brought plenty of snacks. I knew how to keep her occupied and distracted. The key is to make it a fun experience.
The fact that no one else on that flight stood up and said control that gosh darn kid or I will. Is simply amazing


nowhere special


nowhere special
One of the former managers in my building has a son with autism. He’s a big boy and she’s afraid of him. She has to lock her bedroom door. Very sad situation.
I had a friend with a son like that. When he started trying to molest his little sister they finally had to have him institutionalized.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
I had a friend with a son like that. When he started trying to molest his little sister they finally had to have him institutionalized.
The kid on my route is about 8. He will yell a few words but he doesn’t listen at all. Really wacked .