By Invitation Only


nowhere special
The Broward County sheriff will be looking for a new job soon. They totally screwed the pooch by their actions in ignoring warnings and how they reacted during the shooting. Then tried to deflect the blame away from themselves.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Doctors have cleared many athletes that weren't ready, I'm sure.

I'm sure that brother thing is the big draw, because this may be the last time they are able to do that.

Hope he stays healthy the rest of his college career, or might take a serious hit in the draft, isn't he projected number 1? Think I saw that somewhere.
He was projected top 3. Now I think
He's projected top 5.

Lottery pick for sure.

They basically said he has no more chance of injuring it tomorrow than he would if he waited 6 more months to play.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
The Broward County sheriff will be looking for a new job soon. They totally screwed the pooch by their actions in ignoring warnings and how they reacted during the shooting. Then tried to deflect the blame away from themselves.
Well the FBI ain't exactly innocent either.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Finally, a way to get actual sexual pleasure from your Bitcoin investments

Yeah some whore house in Nevada has been accepting them for awhile I think. The Dallas mavericks will accept them for food Drink and ticket purchases starting next year.

And litepay goes live in 41 countries on Monday and 70 soon after that allowing litecoin to be used for payment anywhere visa is accepted.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
These uniforms just keep getting smaller. It's funny that the ones I've washed and dried 1000 times are bigger than the brand new ones I have.

Same sizes too


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
@FrigidFTSup as we speak.
