By Invitation Only


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
Then again maybe I'm just biased. All that stuff along the way to Erie has a special place in my heart.


nowhere special


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
How is that overseed progressing?

I was talking with a golf course grounds keeper, and he tells me that they have good success doing a light seeding, heavy aeration, more seeding, then a rolling to compress the seed with the plugs. The rolling is the key to good soil contact.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Why the :censored2: did I go to my wife’s HS reunion????
Dummy. I could have given you hints to make it fun.

1- The Phil Conners... You get somebody to feed you information. Armed with that info, you approach that person like you knew them all their lives!

2- Mr Money Bags ... You need to photoshop the family by a huge house, fancy cars, etc. You show the pics but never talk about money. They will assume you have it.