By Invitation Only


nowhere special
How's the fit on those? I know they like to advertise how "generous" the sizing is. I'd hate to buy one and have it arrive fitting like a tarp.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
How's the fit on those? I know they like to advertise how "generous" the sizing is. I'd hate to buy one and have it arrive fitting like a tarp.
The 'Armachillo' line is not as generous as their general line.
I like loose fitting clothing and enjoy that aspect of their clothing and underwear.

I also bought a kick butt 'back scratcher' that they don't sell anymore.
It goes missing all the time and I find it on my wife's desk.
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Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
The 'chinos' line is not as generous as their general line.
I like loose fitting clothing and enjoy that aspect of their clothing and underwear.

I also bought a kick butt 'back scratcher' that they don't sell anymore.
It goes missing all the time and I find it on my wife's desk.
When I hurt my shoulder I had multiple back scratchers. The cheap ones made of bamboo work great. I always have one handy still. Lol.


Retired 23 years
When I hurt my shoulder I had multiple back scratchers. The cheap ones made of bamboo work great. I always have one handy still. Lol.

Years ago we bought 5 bucks worth of those at a Phoenix flea market. They were 50 cents each. They are still all over the house. You don't realize how nice they are until you are away from home and your back itches.