I want you both to know that I might have redeemed myself today. This involves HD again but I did not get arrested or cause ANY scene. Well, not a real bad scene at least. Dressed in my Sunday best, I was balls deep in doors and thresholds trying to take a pic of a few model#s so I could come back and research them at home. Half upside down and half lying down, I hear this voice, "Sir, I need to get the cordless window blinds cut, do you know where they are?"
(my Tourettes initially kicks in)
ME: What? How the hell would...(long pause remembering what happened when I asked for help.) I stood up and realized I was in my Sunday best. An old orange Sturgis rally t-shirt...THAT'S RIGHT HD ORANGE!!!!
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The voice came from this little old lady that was about 75 and 4'7". I gathered up my thoughts and immediately apologized and told her I thought she was a coworker giving me a hard time. A this point, something just took over in my mental case head.
I said,
"Ma'am I think the blinds are in isle 35 or 36 I can take you over there if you would like me to". She grabbed onto my arm and we started walking over there. I truly don't know what I was thinking but I then proceeded to show her the blinds she was asking about. It gets better...
She pulls out this notepad and begins to tell me that her nephew is a contractor and measured all the window openings and the number of windows that she needs blinds for and that is what this list is. Now it really hits me that she thinks I work there because of my stupid orange shirt that I should have known gotdamned well NOT to wear to HD.
She wants blinds for 9 windows....LOL...We pick out the right blinds and I was just about to tell her that I would get someone to help her when I just happened to notice the HD logo,
"Lets do this!" on a bucket.
I'm like, alright Scoob, let's friend*n do this. I've seen them use the blind cutting machine a dozen times so I knew that I could probably figure it out.
View attachment 217495 I get every thing dialed in and make my measurements and organize the blinds for what it matches on the list. I get about 6 sets cut for her and a REAL HD person comes up and says to me, "You aren't authorized to use that machine. I'm going to get my manager."
(very small scene to follow)
ME: Yeah do that and let them know it took you 20 minutes to find us and help this lady cuz if you don't, I'll get them and call corporate on your ass.
I knew the gig was up and I would probably be asked to leave or have the cops called on me so I finished the remaining 3 sets and got the old lady squared away. We walked up to the register and were met by the manager. THIS IS IT BUSTED!!! He proceeds to tell the lady that I was NOT an employee and was not authorized or trained to use the machine. This is where I could have just lost it but the little old lady says, "Oh I know he doesn't work here but none of your employees would bother helping me and one guy told me he was on break. What if I had fallen and broken a hip or something, you guys would be all over the news for that!" She just owned that dude for me!!!!!!!
The manager knew he was owned as well, and just hung his head and tried one last ditch effort to make me look bad. He told the lady he would have to make sure I didn't screw up anything or she would be stuck paying for my mistakes. I was still waiting for the cops to show up to haul my ass out of there....never happened. The manager measured all the sets and compared them to her notepad and handed the notepad back to the lady. I could just see the defeat in the manager's face. My cuts were spot on except for one set which was off by 1/4 inch shorter. BOOOOOOOMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The manager apologized to the lady and gave her a discount for the inconvenience and attitude she got. He gave me a stink eye but didn't say a gotdamned word. I walked the lady to her car and she tried to hand me a $20 but there was no way in hell I would have ever accepted it. She made my day and I felt like I was redeemed. I helped her load the blinds and she kissed my cheek and asked for a hug.