By Invitation Only


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
She’s actually been really good. Last night when I had her she said potty, walked into the bathroom, pulled her own pants down, and went.
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My aunt survived a car getting hit by a train in the 40’s. They found her laying in the rear floorboard.
She's lucky then. The dynamics of the impact probably did not include any opposing force other than the blunt side impact and subsequent pushing from the train.

I responded once to a rollover where the mother was ejected but survived. Her daughter was still hanging upside down in her car seat sucking on the nuk in her mouth. Funny thing was this, I recognized the mother from one of our child safety seat seminars my partner and I had put on about three weeks prior to her crash.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
She's lucky then. The dynamics of the impact probably did not include any opposing force other than the blunt side impact and subsequent pushing from the train.

I responded once to a rollover where the mother was ejected but survived. Her daughter was still hanging upside down in her car seat sucking on the nuk in her mouth. Funny thing was this, I recognized the mother from one of our child safety seat seminars my partner and I had put on about three weeks prior to her crash.
Extremely lucky. The two adults in the car died.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
When you’re selling your wife’s purses for her and one of friends reminds you you probably shouldn’t sell that one because she puked in it in Vegas.
