By Invitation Only


nowhere special
Funerals are out. Life celebrations are in.

Really, it's just a Snowflake way of not dealing with it.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Millennials still lean on parents for money, but want financial independence, survey says

Been financially independent since I was 21 the key is getting ahead early. Our first apartment rent was $325 a month. It wasn’t much bigger than our living room now. We had no internet, rabbit ear tv and every meal at home.

You don’t automatically get or deserve everything your parents gave you as a kid.
My oldest daughter got smart with me one time when she was young because I said no to something she wanted. I explained to her that parents are only obligated to provide food, shelter, clothes, and love to their children. Everything else is extra that I CHOOSE to provide, not that I have to.
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