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Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
They handed them out here and haven’t talked about them since.

Did y’all get one of these too?? :raspberry:


Well-Known Member
That was scientifically proven with a myther actually verifying the flipped leaves. He then had the gall to say that it didn't have to be in the spit the leaves flipped, and just somewhere in a 100 mile radius, lol

I thought he was referring to our humidity and feels like dissagreement. As I reread his post, I see nothing that even remotely refers to the leaf falacy, so suck it.


Just a turd
That was scientifically proven with a myther actually verifying the flipped leaves. He then had the gall to say that it didn't have to be in the spit the leaves flipped, and just somewhere in a 100 mile radius, lol

I thought he was referring to our humidity and feels like dissagreement. As I reread his post, I see nothing that even remotely refers to the leaf falacy, so suck it.

So is that a way to say that your post wasn't about leaves..........only in entirely too many words..
I was just asking if that was what you were talking about .....little touchy tonight are we?