By Invitation Only

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
@scooby0048 i swear I don’t look like an approachable person. Yet it still happens.

At dollar general.

Customer 1: where are the 2 liter sodas at.

Me: do I look like I work here? Do I have on a dollar general polo? It’s a small store go for a walk I bet you find them.

Customer 2 in the parking lot: do they sell chocolate milk in there?

I don’t know I’m not a dollar general employee. Put out the cig and walk 50 feet and find out.

You have a friendly looking face. If they only knew the Krampus behind it. Lol.


Well-Known Member



@scooby0048 i swear I don’t look like an approachable person. Yet it still happens.

At dollar general.

Customer 1: where are the 2 liter sodas at.

Me: do I look like I work here? Do I have on a dollar general polo? It’s a small store go for a walk I bet you find them.

Customer 2 in the parking lot: do they sell chocolate milk in there?

I don’t know I’m not a dollar general employee. Put out the cig and walk 50 feet and find out.


Must be the crocs and socks


Retired 23 years

WGAF? A snake is a snake is a snake. I don’t do snakes.
I think snakes a neat. Then again Mn. has no poisonous snakes except for in a small area in the very tip of SW Mn. along the river bluffs. The ONLY snakes we have where I am are garden (garter)snakes and bull (blow)snakes---both are harmless but the bull snakes scare the crap out of you because they raise up and look just like a cobra ---and hiss. I leave them alone because they are good for rodent control.