By Invitation Only


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.

Well none of them are @542thruNthru they don’t have shades on


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Man I thought I was dead man walking today

Had to go pick up my suit today and took Ava with me because they have a play area in the mall. Yes I bought my suit at a mall. This is probably the only time I’ll ever wear it.

So she crawls on top of the tractor 4-4.5 feet off the ground, stands up on the edge of it (i am thinking no way she jumps) and there she goes flying through the air. I wait for crying but hear nothing. She comes running around giddy to crawl back up and do it again. I get out my phone to try and video her. Well about the time I got video going I hear crying. She comes running around the corner holding her mouth screaming my teeth hurt. At this moment I figured she’d knocked out a tooth and I was as good as dead.

Thank goodness all teeth were still intact when I finally got a look at her.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
No destruction in Florida? Once again these media clowns are wrong.
You know there is a “cone of uncertainty” with hurricanes because they’re uncertain which direction a hurricane will move. Fortunately, as of now, the storm isn’t projected to hit land, but the outer bands will.
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