By Invitation Only

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
This isn't political correct country out here. They are already delinquent punks and have mouthfuls of chaw before they hit 5h grade. These twerps take shots of buffalo semen with a chaser of Absinthe then light their farts on fire.
Lol. If kids weren’t eating Tide pods now I’d say you were making that up. But considering what they’re willing to do now, anything’s possible.


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Lol. If kids weren’t eating Tide pods now I’d say you were making that up. But considering what they’re willing to do now, anything’s possible.
I made a killing last Xmas. I had an Amazon pantry box bust open. It had Tide pods, Epsom Salt lavender bath salts, cinnamon powder, and some grape flavored Cigarillos. I stopped by the local high school and made so much money off that box, I was able to take another vacation.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
It sure is.
Not what’s actually going on just for reference.

Right now I could eat nothing but chicken breast and veggies all day and run 5 miles. Then have a soda with dinner.

“Well I guess you just want to be a fat slob and die at 50 then”


Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Not what’s actually going on just for reference.

Right now I could eat nothing but chicken breast and veggies all day and run 5 miles. Then have a soda with dinner.

“Well I guess you just want to be a fat slob and die at 50 then”

Me: View attachment 262544
Seriously, I ran 5 miles 5 times a week and played tennis a lot.
Now I’ve got bone on bone in both knees.
Find low impact exercises so you can enjoy your retirement and not be in pain all the time.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
That's when I would have replied. "At least I won't have to listen to you bitch about it then." *gulp soda down quickly*
Oh there has been plenty of back and forth. Last few months there’s been a lot of attitude and general bitchyness towards me.

Today Ava was on the iPad and my wife mentioned that we needed a new one because it was almost full.

It’s her old iPad and I got to thinking there’s probably lots of apps Ava doesn’t use that we could delete. So I asked if that was a possibility. Swear to you as polite as can be asked

“What if we deleted some of the apps she doesn’t use? Do you think that would help?”

Wife as bitchy as humanly possible

“ we can do that but we still need a new one”


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Seriously, I ran 5 miles 5 times a week and played tennis a lot.
Now I’ve got bone on bone in both knees.
Find low impact exercises so you can enjoy your retirement and not be in pain all the time.
I am not a runner at all. Either lift or the stairmaster which as grueling as it is is actually low impact


Well-Known Member
Oh there has been plenty of back and forth. Last few months there’s been a lot of attitude and general bitchyness towards me.

Today Ava was on the iPad and my wife mentioned that we needed a new one because it was almost full.

It’s her old iPad and I got to thinking there’s probably lots of apps Ava doesn’t use that we could delete. So I asked if that was a possibility. Swear to you as polite as can be asked

“What if we deleted some of the apps she doesn’t use? Do you think that would help?”

Wife as bitchy as humanly possible

“ we can do that but we still need a new one”

What does she have on the iPad that's taking up so much room?