By Invitation Only


Retired 23 years
I have never understood why married couples divide the bills to pay and run different checking accounts. My brother and his wife are the same way. He has certain bill to pay and so does she. Its all goes to running the same household. I always figured it was because the couple didn't have faith in the marriage. In this day and age most every bill is paid online anyway so why bother keeping 2 bank accounts.


nowhere special
I have never understood why married couples divide the bills to pay and run different checking accounts. My brother and his wife are the same way. He has certain bill to pay and so does she. Its all goes to running the same household. I always figured it was because the couple didn't have faith in the marriage. In this day and age most every bill is paid online anyway so why bother keeping 2 bank accounts.

Some people are incapable of managing money or balancing a checkbook. I could see husband (or wife) having a separate account to make sure bills get paid. Spouse could have another account with mad money that doesn't matter how it gets spent.


Retired 23 years
Some people are incapable of managing money or balancing a checkbook. I could see husband (or wife) having a separate account to make sure bills get paid. Spouse could have another account with mad money that doesn't matter how it gets spent.
I didn't consider the "unable to manage money " thing. It would make sense then. We are lucky in the fact we have never had a money problem--then again we didn't try to live like RICH people. My wife is the tight wad in the family. She absolutely hates shopping. On the other hand she's the one who always tells me "you need a new motorcycle or pickup". I guess I should probably keep her.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
I have never understood why married couples divide the bills to pay and run different checking accounts. My brother and his wife are the same way. He has certain bill to pay and so does she. Its all goes to running the same household. I always figured it was because the couple didn't have faith in the marriage. In this day and age most every bill is paid online anyway so why bother keeping 2 bank accounts.
What I find funny is people that just have one account always get worked up over it couples with separate accounts. If it works for them who cares? I don’t care at all that most couples have a joint account. We just happen to prefer separate accounts.

My grandparents were married 58 years and never had a joint account. Marriage isn’t one size fits all.


Retired 23 years
What I find funny is people that just have one account always get worked up over it couples with separate accounts. If it works for them who cares? I don’t care at all that most couples have a joint account. We just happen to prefer separate accounts.

My grandparents were married 58 years and never had a joint account. Marriage isn’t one size fits all.
Who said I was "worked up about it"? I just said I (personally) didn't understand why they did it. Don't get you panties in a bundle. I don't give a rats butt if you both are leading double lives with different partners and like to hide money from each other.:-)


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Some people are incapable of managing money or balancing a checkbook. I could see husband (or wife) having a separate account to make sure bills get paid. Spouse could have another account with mad money that doesn't matter how it gets spent.
I think mostly it eliminates stupid arguments over money. Many couples will get mad at their significant other over what they deem unnecessary expenses.

I might get mad if I knew my wife spent $200 on clothes. She might get mad knowing what I spend eating out all week. These aren’t things specific to my marriage by any-means. Money is the number one thing couples fight over. When in reality if the bills are paid who GAF where the rest goes!!!


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Who said I was "worked up about it"? I just said I (personally) didn't understand why they did it. Don't get you panties in a bundle. I don't give a rats butt if you both are leading double lives with different partners and like to hide money from each other.
No I wasn’t talking about you specifically. I’ve had the discussion with many on here and in real life.

Virtually everyone I have discussed it with believes it’s a sign of a weak marriage. While I could make the argument it’s a sign of a very trusting relationship because you’re trusting the other person enough that you don’t need to spy on their every move.


nowhere special
I think mostly it eliminates stupid arguments over money. Many couples will get mad at their significant other over what they deem unnecessary expenses.

I might get mad if I knew my wife spent $200 on clothes. She might get mad knowing what I spend eating out all week. These aren’t things specific to my marriage by any-means. Money is the number one thing couples fight over. When in reality if the bills are paid who GAF where the rest goes!!!
My wife and I never fought about money. I always made sure the bills got paid. If it was up to her they probably wouldn't. We were both OK with that. She didn't have to worry about it and neither did I.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
My wife and I never fought about money. I always made sure the bills got paid. If it was up to her they probably wouldn't. We were both OK with that. She didn't have to worry about it and neither did I.
All I’m saying is it is the number one thing that people fight about.

I can’t speak to anyone’s specific situation except the wife and I.


I’m taking a mental health day. It’s needed sometimes. Lol

Honestly women need to take more mental health days and just relax. It’s the constant tension that makes them the way they are.

They are jealous of men’s ability to just sit and relax even while knowing other stuff needs done.

Me ex was a cleaning machine when she got pissed off

Sometimes I’d get her going just so she’d run the vacuum


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Me ex was a cleaning machine when she got pissed off

Sometimes I’d get her going just so she’d run the vacuum
Yep. Mine hasn’t really had time lately with the kids and lots of work.

But that’s mostly what this has been about I “don’t do enough to help out” but I swear to you the more I do the more I get bitched at about the stuff I don’t do.

Like when she sees dirty dishes she wants them done 10 minutes ago. Me I’ll do the dishes but I may sit down and watch a ball game first and do them at 11 at night. Hell I may even go to bed and do them before work. That drives her nuts.


Retired 23 years
My wife and I never fought about money. I always made sure the bills got paid. If it was up to her they probably wouldn't. We were both OK with that. She didn't have to worry about it and neither did I.
Just the opposite here. When we first got married I paid all the bills but after about 5 years she took that over. She's always has been right on top of things with balancing the checkbook and making sure all charges to the credit cards were legit. All I do is spend the money and keep the receipts. :-)


nowhere special


Well-Known Member
Who said I was "worked up about it"? I just said I (personally) didn't understand why they did it. Don't get you panties in a bundle. I don't give a rats butt if you both are leading double lives with different partners and like to hide money from each other.:-)

Jesus there you go getting all worked up again! Relax old man pull your depends out of your ass.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Yep. Mine hasn’t really had time lately with the kids and lots of work.

But that’s mostly what this has been about I “don’t do enough to help out” but I swear to you the more I do the more I get bitched at about the stuff I don’t do.

Like when she sees dirty dishes she wants them done 10 minutes ago. Me I’ll do the dishes but I may sit down and watch a ball game first and do them at 11 at night. Hell I may even go to bed and do them before work. That drives her nuts.
Can't wait for peak?


Never bought my own handtruck
I think mostly it eliminates stupid arguments over money. Many couples will get mad at their significant other over what they deem unnecessary expenses.

I might get mad if I knew my wife spent $200 on clothes. She might get mad knowing what I spend eating out all week. These aren’t things specific to my marriage by any-means. Money is the number one thing couples fight over. When in reality if the bills are paid who GAF where the rest goes!!!
We do the same exact thing with money. It actually makes you appreciate when she buys me something or I buy her something because it’s not coming from a joint account where you feel like that was your money anyway.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
We do the same exact thing with money. It actually makes you appreciate when she buys me something or I buy her something because it’s not coming from a joint account where you feel like that was your money anyway.
One of my main goals is to surprise payoff her student loans some day. If that means “hiding” 100k from her that’s what it means.