By Invitation Only


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns


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You are a spurious UPS'er? Never knew that.

That's correct Wally, her husband was the UPSer, a manager. He has nothing to do with this site but the wife somehow can manage to interpose herself into the site and make nearly 120,000 posts. NOT ONE OF WHICH HAS ANY RELEVANCE TO UPS.

So I have to ask, @moreluck you've spent what, 19 or so years on this site, don't you have any like-minded friends or other sites that you can bombard with your silly little quips, endless supply of memes, useful or useless life hacks, recipes, jokes, death notifications, and mind numbing personality?


Retired 23 years
That's correct Wally, her husband was the UPSer, a manager. He has nothing to do with this site but the wife somehow can manage to interpose herself into the site and make nearly 120,000 posts. NOT ONE OF WHICH HAS ANY RELEVANCE TO UPS.

So I have to ask, @moreluck you've spent what, 19 or so years on this site, don't you have any like-minded friends or other sites that you can bombard with your silly little quips, endless supply of memes, useful or useless life hacks, recipes, jokes, death notifications, and mind numbing personality?
Are you related to Dave?


Well-Known Member
That's correct Wally, her husband was the UPSer, a manager. He has nothing to do with this site but the wife somehow can manage to interpose herself into the site and make nearly 120,000 posts. NOT ONE OF WHICH HAS ANY RELEVANCE TO UPS.

So I have to ask, @moreluck you've spent what, 19 or so years on this site, don't you have any like-minded friends or other sites that you can bombard with your silly little quips, endless supply of memes, useful or useless life hacks, recipes, jokes, death notifications, and mind numbing personality?

Yeah @rod don't you have any friends!?


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While @542thruNthru is in bed we were building a coop inside the coop for our chicks View attachment 262775
You really are the only one to blame for this. Why the hell didn't you fire up the compressor, grab the 3/4 hose and 15 gauge nailer and let her just go crazy. Forget saftey goggles, forget letting mama know, get Ava on the gun and make the damn coop.

WTF, who still uses a hammer anyways?
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You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
That's correct Wally, her husband was the UPSer, a manager. He has nothing to do with this site but the wife somehow can manage to interpose herself into the site and make nearly 120,000 posts. NOT ONE OF WHICH HAS ANY RELEVANCE TO UPS.

So I have to ask, @moreluck you've spent what, 19 or so years on this site, don't you have any like-minded friends or other sites that you can bombard with your silly little quips, endless supply of memes, useful or useless life hacks, recipes, jokes, death notifications, and mind numbing personality?


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
You really are the only one to blame for this. Why the hell didn't you fire up the compressor, grab the 3/4 hose and 15 gauge nailer and let her just go crazy. Forget saftey goggles, forget, letting mama know get Ava on the gun and make the damn coop.

WTF, who still uses a hammer anyways?
This was just a temporary fence within the coop we already have for the chicks to be in and not get pecked to death.

I already got yelled at today because she threatened to punch a boy in the face on the playground at the ballgame