By Invitation Only


Amatuer Malthusian
Hey pal, glad to see you are in a little better spirits.

I'm glad it's not just me. Been forever since I had to nail something with a hammer but recently I was forced to install a new door jamb and the nails I bought, I thought were decent, kept bending. I was like, "I know how to swing a hammer WTF is going on?" Just had to slow down a bit.

After you posted this, I looked at my box of nails.

Made in China...
Still miss my buddy. Tears still coming now and then. Terrible watching him go away before my eyes, though he felt nothing.


golden ticket member
I could add you to the list of irrelevant people but I kinda like some of the things you say so you are safe for now. Keep talking about how things used to be and I might change my mind. :raspberry-tounge:
Who died and made you judge of all things wonderful ?????

You act like I never delivered a package!!! Try Christmas Eve and trying to get stuff delivered on time "from Santa" in the benches of Salt Lake City. Even our small kids took part!!!

As far as friends, I only have a few who have stood the test of time...….you would be long gone.


nowhere special


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
That's correct Wally, her husband was the UPSer, a manager. He has nothing to do with this site but the wife somehow can manage to interpose herself into the site and make nearly 120,000 posts. NOT ONE OF WHICH HAS ANY RELEVANCE TO UPS.

So I have to ask, @moreluck you've spent what, 19 or so years on this site, don't you have any like-minded friends or other sites that you can bombard with your silly little quips, endless supply of memes, useful or useless life hacks, recipes, jokes, death notifications, and mind numbing personality?
Well in her defense, we can't have every thread to be about UPS socks, beer, or Sups shaving time.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Who died and made you judge of all things wonderful ?????

You act like I never delivered a package!!! Try Christmas Eve and trying to get stuff delivered on time "from Santa" in the benches of Salt Lake City. Even our small kids took part!!!

As far as friends, I only have a few who have stood the test of time...….you would be long gone.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Who died and made you judge of all things wonderful ?????
You act like I never delivered a package!!! Try Christmas Eve and trying to get stuff delivered on time "from Santa" in the benches of Salt Lake City. Even our small kids took part!!!
As far as friends, I only have a few who have stood the test of time...….you would be long gone.



nowhere special
Well I woke up this morning and mine was still there .......barely.
Victoria Frabutt faces malicious castration charges for allegedly committing the heinous act with a hunting knife at her Newport home, according to Carteret County Sheriff’s Office.

Need to ban Assault Hunting Knives